Sick of tossing sippy cups just days after overspending them on the first place? Feel like disposables are too flimsy to last? I'd love to share with you my favorite disposable sippy -- one that doesn't feel at all disposable, but is cheap enough to chuck if you find it all nasty under the car seat. The Gerber Graduates Tossable Sippy Cups are the CUTEST ones on the market. With three adorable animal designs and extra-sturdy matching lids, these are a hit at my house.
Practically spill-proof (they do let one or two drops out of the spout), they are great for those kids who have mastered drinking from a sippy but still drop them from time to time. A tip that I learned early on is to turn the lid counter-clockwise (like you are opening them) before screwing them on tight. You'll hear a "click" and know that the lid is on right. Very, very dependable!
With three colors per pack and PVC-free, these are keepers (but still totally tossable.) Easy for kids to grasp, and even easier for me to wash (no strange plugs or sippy parts to scrub.) Available at retailers everywhere.
Check it out! These are on clearance at Drugstore.com -- but hurry! They won't last long!
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