Ok, so I'm all over the Huggies thing lately. First there was my review on the Disposable washcloths (still a huge lover, I am) and might I add, that I found another great use for them:
I tucked a baggy of the disposable washcloths into my 8-year-old's backpack when she went away to summer camp. It was great! No worrying about spilled liquid soap, no slimy bar soap to worry about someone else sharing with her, and no stinky washcloths at the end of the week! Just use and toss! And her friends had no idea they were "baby" washcloths. (Just go with a mango scent for girls!)
Back to my new best friend: the Shea Butter variety of Huggies Wipes. These things are powerful! I have wiped the most potent bottom stink from my boys' behinds with no trace of the poop that was there before. Seriously.
Usually when you have a very messy diaper, no amount of wiping makes them smell clean. And it isn't always feasible to plop them in a bath. These wipes smell terrific (kind of sweet, very fresh), and my hands are left feeling soft and sweet too! I use the wipes for faces, arms, and bottoms! (Please go in that order, folks.)
Huggies wipes come in many varieties: Extra Sensitive, Supreme, Natural Care, Naturally Refreshing, Lavender and Chamomille (also awesome!), Shea Butter, and Nourishing!
Now until June 30th, join Amazon's Subscribe and Save, and get these wipes for 37% off! That's only $22.24 for a case of wipes! Huggies Baby Wipes in Pop-Up Tub, Shea Butter, 72-Count Tubs (Pack of 8) (576 Wipes)
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