Review of My Magical World DVD

The holiday specials are no longer airing on TV, and soon, your kiddos will grow a bit bored from being cooped up inside all day. With a new DVD release from ClearGate KIDS called My Magical World, there is a fascinating place kids can go -- without leaving your living room!

The DVD presents the story of Sammy the "Book Jumper" who opens his book and enters a magical world. Once there, he meets all kinds of positive and encouraging characters that teach language skills, basic manners, and social lessons in a super fun way!

This award-winning movie was very popular at my house. All of the younger kids (aged 2, 3, and 5) got a kick out of the story lines, songs, and lessons. It is a great way to use some TV-time in a positive manner!

The DVD and book series is available at and for $14.99 and is recommended for ages 2-6. Colorful and creative, it's a quality video with redeeming values for all kinds of kids!
