Kix is one of my first childhood cereal memories. I remember the commercials. I remember wanting something sweeter. I remember my Mom telling me that we weren't going to be eating any "sugar garbage" for breakfast. Thanks, Mom.
Now I know that my Mom cared for me enough to break tradition and give me a breakfast choice that was healthy. I want the same for my kids, but I also want to give them something that won't feel like a chore to eat. With the taste of new Honey Kix easily rivaling some of the more lightly sweetened cereals on the market, I think I've find my solution!
The "Kid-tested, Mother-approved" cereal has been reinvented with a touch of honey, which makes it taste delightful (without compromising the healthy benefits.) Honey Kix is a good source of fiber, calcium, and vitamin D (when served with milk) and contains 16 grams of whole grain per serving! It also contains no artificial flavors or preservatives (yeah!)
My kids really liked this cereal. That's pretty much all you need to know. (Because that says it all!)
Wanna win? We are giving three lucky Lille Punkin' Readers a fabulous Honey Kix "Sweet and Simple" gift set. It contains all you need for a healthy start to your day (except for the milk, of course.) You'll receive a coupon for a free box of cereal, a honey jar, a set of colorful cereal bowls, a container to take your cereal and milk on-the-go, and a container for keeping cereal fresh at home!
To be entered to win, just do one of the following (or all 3, for extra entries!):
- Leave a comment on this post with your favorite childhood cereal memory
- Blog this giveaway, and with a link to this post.
- Subscribe to our RSS feed!
You have until next Friday, March 13th at 5pm CST to get your entries in. Giveaway is subject to complete site rules. (Be sure to give us a way to reach you if you win, and remember that we will never use your email or contact info for anything other than to send your prize.) Good luck!
Easy Peasy on the childhood memory hahahh... my precious mom would only let my twin sister and I have Original cheerios! So we would DUMP the sugar bowl onto them to sweeten them... ew... the bottom of the bowl would have a syrupy sugar crust an inch thick. It sickens me to think about it now!
I subscribe to your Feed
My favorite cereal memory is getting up really early, while my family was still in bed and eating cheerios out of the box. I was 3 or 4. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI remember my mom listing all the cereals each morning and it was a big deal to me to get to pick one.
ReplyDeleteWhen my mom had to go back to work, she used to measure out my cereal and milk for me so that when I got up in the morning it was all ready for me to eat. It was soooo thoughtful.
ReplyDelete(and yes, my big sister was home in case there had been any kind of emergency)
I remember digging in the cereal boxes to get the toy inside.
ReplyDeleteI subscribed in google reader. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteChildhood breakfast memory? So funny but my mom only bought sugar free cereals - Cheerios, Raisin Bran, Shredded Wheat. So we used to get out the honey and pour it on. In great amounts! Now I'm a big fan of honey cereals... Thanks for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite memory would be Saturday mornings. I would wake up before my parents ever did and eat cereal from the box, while watching cartoons! Good times! Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeletekport207 at gmail dot com
We didn't eat much cereal as a kid and when we did it was cheerios. It was a big deal when we went on vacation as then we got sugar cereal so that we didn't have to take sugar along.
ReplyDeletei remember loving lucky charms, well really only loving the marshmellows and eating around the actual cereal, or digging through the box and picking out the marshmellows, so healthy! lol tianadmartin@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood memory involving cereal would be buying ones that had toys inside and since I never did have any patience, I would tilt the box until I could see the toy and then reach in and get it.
ReplyDeletei loved trix i remember the raspberry red lemon yellow and orange orange mmmm...
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood cereal memory is when there would be free toys inside. My brother and I would try to get the box first, to get the toy. My brother was usually pretty fair about it too and would give me a chance sometimes to get the toy if I really wanted it.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this giveaway.
My favorite childhood cereal memory was saving the boxtops from Captain Crunch cereal and sending them in for the set of Captain Crunch plastic cereal bowls. I used those every day, especially the red one. They are still at my parents house.
ReplyDeleteeatin Lucky Charms
ReplyDeleteWe weren't allowed to have much sugar cereal when I was a kid, so my favorite memory was when we were able to pick out a box of whatever we wanted as a rare treat. I always picked lucky charms or some other cereal with marshamellows (lol).
I loved Count Chocula.
I always looked forward to the toys that were inside the boxes. That would be my favorite memory.
My mom and I ate raisin bran or wheaties with a banana together. We did this for years. These are still some of my favorite cereals.
ReplyDeleteI always have a coffee with Splenda and either a Fiber one bar, muffin, or cereal!
ReplyDeletemy favorite memory is of my mother making me oatmeal with cinnamin & raisins before i'ld head to school.
I loved Fruit Loops so much my mom would pack them in my lunch
we love kix! thanks :)
ReplyDeleteeating peanut butter captain crunch reading the cereal box on school day mornings.
ReplyDeletetvollowitz at aol dot com
My favorite is lucky charms , and eating breakfast with my mom and dad.
ReplyDeletemy favorite childhood cereal memory. My brother and his friend
ReplyDeletewould let their cereal soak until it soggy. I'm not really sure why, but I guess they liked it that way.
rice krispies were the it cereal when I grew up
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood cereal memory was having rice crispies for the first time and hearing them pop after I poured milk on them!
ReplyDeleteGetting to have a sugary cereal when our grades were good :)
ReplyDeletesports_goddess at hotmail dot com
Ohh..definitely digging in the box for the infamous toy..and then trying to hide it from my brothers so I could keep it for myself!!
I used to read the cereal boxes back when I was a kid. They were covered with games and jokes.
ReplyDeletePutting sugar on my rice krispies with my mom.
ReplyDeleteThanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
The morning of my first day of kindergarten. We have a video of it, and I was so scared I was shaking while eating my Lucky Charms.
childhood cereal memory having oatmeal with brown sugar
ReplyDeleteHow did we eat cereal with several spoons of sugar dumped in? I'ts no wonder that we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off as my late dad used to say. jelly15301@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI subscribe thru Yahoo reader. jelly15301@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite cereal memory is playing a game with my brother while we ate the cereal. We would read the cereal box and pick a word on the box, and then tell the other person what the starting letter was. The other person had to find the word in 3 tries.
ReplyDeleteDon't really have a favorite cereal memory. I do love cereal though!
ReplyDeleteNo favorite story, just always loved cereal
ReplyDeleteMy Mom wasn't a big cereal fan at all. So I really don't have any memories. I know my children have lots of cereal memories though.
ReplyDeletemy favorite memory from my childhood involving cereal is the first time I pour the milk in first than the cereal and realized that physics was working against me!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite cereal memory is fighting with my sisiters over whatever prize was in the box
ReplyDeleteI loved going on vacation and getting the little boxes of the sugary cereals we werent allowed to eat normally...it was great
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood memory in regards to cereal was getting to go to the grocery store to pick out my favorites. I guess parents weren't as concerned about sugar back then b/c I got to eat all of those sugary cereals with no nutritious value to them at all. But they sure tasted great, especially the Froot Loops.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the contest
I used to love opening that box and digging down to the bottom to get whatever toy was in there - I think my favorite cereal from childhood had to be Captain Crunch.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite cereal memories are getting the prize inside the box!
ReplyDeletesmchester at gmail dot com
I think one of the few cereals I ate as a kid was Life. I'd love to try the Honey Kix! Thanks for the contest!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood cereal memory is of the toys inside the box of cereal. I rarely had them longer than the time it took to eat the bowl of cereal, but it was exciting to anticipate it! asthenight at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteMy sister and I used to get up way before our parents on the weekends. So my mom would leave out the bowls and spoons for us. We got to pick out our own cereal and pour it all by ourselves. She would also leave a small cup of milk for us in the fridge - she knew us well. Then we got to eat our cereal in front of the TV and watch cartoons until they got up. It was fantastic!!!
ReplyDeleteBack in the days of Saturday morning cartoons on the major networks, I used to pull out a big bowl, grab a box of cereal and milk, and watch cartoons while I ate the whole box empty. To this day, I will only eat sweetened cereal. Plain cereals always tasted like I was grazing in a field. My "OpenID" is my contact email.
ReplyDeleteI loved Cap'n Crunch when I was a kid, and also Rice Krispies. I put sugar on them and then ate the milky sugar mixture at the bottom of the bowl when I was done.
ReplyDeleteI remember eating all the marshmallows first when I had Lucky Charms.
ReplyDeleteurchiken at gmail dot com
My mom would occasionally surprise us with a box of our favorite cereal...which made our morning extra special.
My uncle was making me a bowl of cheerios and asked me how much sugar I wanted. I said a cup and true to his form, that's what I got. Ugh.
My favorite memory is eating the frosting only off of the frosted mini-wheats and feeding the rest to the dog.
ReplyDeleteGoodness. My favorite memory? Has to be when I was very small and discovered that I could read the King Vitamin box upside down. Silly, I know, but I was so excited to find out that words can be read upside down.
ReplyDeleteWe weren't allowed to have sugar so we ate puffed wheat and rice. I loved to stay at friends where I could have "sugar ceral"!
My parents were divorced when I was young. My mom only bought "health food" and my dad let us have Cap n' Crunch! I really liked mornings at his house.
ReplyDeletekatiekarr at gmail dot com
this might sounds strange but i used to love the lumps that my grandmother left in farina thanks for the giveaway
ReplyDeleteMy sister and I use to spell out words while we ate our Alphabets cereal.
ReplyDeleteI guess cherrios and frosted flakes. Was there any other kinds? I am kind of old
ReplyDeletethere were not too many cereals,we ate and loved corn flakes.
ReplyDeleteI used to LOVE spending the night at my best friends house because they always had cinnamon toast crunch-YUM!
my favorite cereal memory is of the kids arguing over the toys in the boxes. Taking turns was a hard lesson to learn when toys were involved.
ReplyDeletesubscriber google reader
ReplyDeleteBreakfast was big in my house growing up. I used to love having cereal with my dad before school. He always ate the same healthy cereal everyday while I liked to have different kinds.
ReplyDeleteI don't recall any specific cereal memories.
ReplyDeletektgonyea at gmail.com
My favorite memory is eating cereal at the kitchen table with my sister before school.
ReplyDeleteMy Mama would make "mush" for us on the weekends!
ReplyDeleteI always loved it when my mom would let us get one of those packs of tiny cereal boxes that barely gave you a bowl full!
My fav cereal memory was my sister driving my mother crazy because she had to have this doll. But you had to send in about 100 codes from the cereal box. Needless to say we ate the same cereal for months so my sis could get her doll...
My parents brought these adult and boring cereals so I took to buttering my Cheerios and making mini sandwiches out of them.
1bmore @ gmail . com
My Favorite Childhood Cereal Memory - Well, I look back on it now and laugh although at the time, I didn't think it was funny. I am the youngest of three and the older 2 were always trying to aggravate me. My mom would put the cereal boxes in front of each of us, so we would couldn't see one another. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a child they use to put toys and prizes in cereal, I would pick the cereal according to the prize that was in it.
I remember my sister and I fighting over who was going to get the toy from the cereal! It was so much fun to get those little prizes!
ReplyDeleteAs a child, I selected cereal by what toy came in the box. My memory would be of digging around for the toy in the box without spilling any cereal and making my mom tell me she knew that's the only reason I wanted that particular kind of cereal. Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite memory with cereal is Christmas morning. We would always have our favorite cereal in one of those little boxes in our stocking. It was pretty much the only time of year we got to eat our favorite cereal! Those honey kix look so yummy!
ReplyDeleteI subscribed!
ReplyDeleteMy Mom was the same way. We were only allowed to eat Cheerios, Kix, Chex and Corn Flakes.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite was and still is Cheerios. I love them just the way they are. However, my brothers would dump so much sugar on their cereals that we may as well had the sugary cereals.....LOL!
Lucky Charms - wow I loved them as a kid! And obviously as they are another "sugar garbage" cereal we didn't have them very often. So I have distinct memories of eating them when we did have them. Thanks for helping me remember that! alicedemske at hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI just subscribed! Thanks! alicedemske at hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI remember when Capt. Crunch first came out and the joy of that first mouthful. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting - what a wonderful contest! I used to love Kix cereal when I was a kid - my sister and I would fight over it!
ReplyDeleteI loved going to the grocery store with my mom and getting to pick out which cereal I wanted for that week! I would get mine and my brothr would pick his!
My favorite cereal memories are my two favorite cereals that they justed stopped making Puffa Puffa Rice and Jets. When I could not find those while shopping with my mom I was horrified. Why did they stop making those? Its my favorite memory because I still think of that today.
ReplyDeleteI'm a subscriber.
ReplyDeleteDumping the whole box of Cheerios in order to get the prize.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood cereal was Trix. It was for kids, and I loved the bunny!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood cereal is Frosted Flakes.
ReplyDeletetreflea4 at gmail dot com
I have suscribed to your feed.
ReplyDeletetreflea4 at gmail dot com
My favorite childhood cereal memory is Count Chocula. It wasn't always available so it seemed like a real treat.
ReplyDeleteGetting the Toy out of the box, was the best!! Thanks for the chance.
My childhood memory is my aunt stayed with us when my grandmother had to travel with my grandfather.
ReplyDeleteMy mom would only buy oatmeal the type that had to be cooked. My aunt would make the oatmeal and burn it. To this day I can't eat the old fashioned oatmeal.
Thank you for the chance to be a winner.
Occassionaly my parents would give us Honeycomb.
ReplyDeletemy brother and I dumping the cereal all over the table to get the prize which was on the bottom of the box
ReplyDeletetiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I remember going down to my aunts lake house and all us kids would eat Cap'n crunch for breakfast lunch and dinner. What a fun summer.
ReplyDeleteMy down fall cereal was and still is peanutbutter captain crunch.
ReplyDeleteI remember the Trix cereal as being my favorite as I loved the taste and the prizes were the best! :) thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteSmurf ceral was my fav. Still think about how great the berry flavors were! iwontru@yahoo
ReplyDeleteMy only childhood memory of cereal is getting plain 'ol Cheerios. That is when we got breakfast at all.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway >^..^<
My favorite childhood cereal memory is of my sister and I fighting over the toy in the box. We didn't care what kind of cereal it was or what kind of toy it was...we wanted it and we'd fight over it.
ReplyDeleteI subscribed via RSS. Thanks
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite memories is going to stay with my Memaw fort he weekend. She would always stock up on several different kinds of cereal so that we would have a wide selection to wake up to! We would sit in front of the TV and watch Saturday morning cartoons and try out all the different kinds of cereal!
I'm a subscriber!
My Mom always made us the best omlettes...hm, cheese, green peppers. They were delicious and she always flipped them perfectly!
ReplyDeleteeating a bowl of bright yellow corn pops
ReplyDeleteAs a child, I loved Lucky Charms and it was a special treat whenever I got to have them for breakfast.
listening to rice krispies crackle and pop when you poured milk in them
ReplyDeleteI loved eating Kellogg's Frosted Flakes when I was a kid. To tell you the truth, I still do. They just seemed to be perfect and sparkly and sweet.
ReplyDeleteComing home from school every day and devouring a bowl of cereal while watching my afternoon cartoons - GI Joe, Transformers, Thundercats. Life was so much simpler back then. Thank you for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood cereal moment was when you could buy Count Chocula, Frankenberry, and Boo Berry whenever you wanted and not just during Halloween.
Cheerios ---covered with the cream that settled atop farm fresh unhomoginized milk which had been delivered to our back door early in the morning by our friendly milk man.
ReplyDeleteI just remember loving the 'sugary' cereals, but my mom didn't buy them very often, so it was a real treat when we got them!
ReplyDeletekhmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
dumping the WHOLE box into my teeny tiny little bowl... what a MESS
ReplyDeleteI remember how we used to beg to have cereal for dinner..yum
ReplyDeletei remember when my mom would occasionally buy berry berry kix instead of the regular ones and how excited i would be
ReplyDeleteSaturdays were the only day we would have cereal for breakfast.I remember sitting in front of the tv with my fruit loops and watching cartoons.Every other day we had a nice hot breakfast.Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI remember when I first realized that I liked the cereal bits more than the marshmallows in my lucky charms. I would leave all the marshmallows for the end, and I'd have one colorful bowl!
ReplyDeleteI remember going to the grocery store and being in awe of all the different types of cereals and being able to pick out my fave, probably from the latest commercial I had seen! :)
ReplyDeleteA childhood memory is my sister and I having the fun of getting to choose which cereal we would like and pouring our own bowlfuls and adding the milk! Yummy and so fun to choose! There'd always be a few to choose from...times were tough for my mom being a single parent but she made sure we had good things to eat and made it fun, too!
ReplyDeleteI loved drowning the raisins in my raisin bran!
ReplyDeletewell my hubby was potty trained by aiming at cheerios floating in the toilet...its not a breakfast story, but its a funny cereal story :) haha
ReplyDelete9_26 at myway dot com
This has to be when I discovered
ReplyDeleteCaptain Crunch-after I broke up with my boyfriend when I was 16. (a VERY long time ago!)
each of us kids eating cereal as fast as we could to get to the prize... :D trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteI remember digging in the box for the toy
ReplyDeleteI used to eat Cheerios with a fork and put them all on the fork prongs, then eat them off. Yum!
ReplyDeleteI like when the cereal came out with dried fruit-strawberries. That tells you how old I am
I subscribe to your feed via Google Reader
I remember eatting Count Chocula at my grandmothers and there after hating non sweetened cereals, I would only eat them with sugar spooned in and scraping the sugar sludge off the bottom of the bowl!
I remember loving Count Chocula cereal and only getting to eat it on special occasions. There was nothing better than Saturday morning cartoons and a big bowl of Count Chocula!
ReplyDeleteI remember eating Captain Crunch and it made the roof of my mouth numb!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood cereal memory would have to be everyone sitting around the table eating raisin brand and toast with honey. The picture of the Honey Kix cereal and that honey pot.....the honey pot is just like we use to have. Sweet!
favorite memory was eating breakfast with Mom and the rest of the family--liked frosted flakes
ReplyDeleteI remember getting so excited about finding a toy in my ceral - what happened to the toys!
ReplyDeleteI remember my brother used to be so messy at eating cereal that my mom would make him use a large mixing bowl to eat his cereal.
My favorite childhood cereal memory is digging through a full box to find the toy at the bottom! thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI loved to beat my little brother to the toy in the box! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy Mom fixed us hot oatmeal in winter! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood cereal was Lucky Charms. I always wanted to get the horseshoe!
i always liked cocoa puffs or cocoa krispies, anything that would change the milk to chocolate milk
ReplyDeleteI remember waking up and putting Cocoa Puffs in a bowl with milk, then walking away to get dressed because I hated when they were too crunchy. Then I would come back and eat the cereal.
ReplyDeleteSlurping the milk up RACES... With three of us it was a game and it's still a great memory
ReplyDeleteI always loved Life, but it was very expensive. It was always a huge treat to get a box.
ReplyDeleteI remember digging for the prize in the bottom of the box. Thanks!
ReplyDeletebraaisjo at gmail dot com
I was crazy about Fruity Pebbles as a child and it was always a race against my big brother to see who would get the last bowl!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber. Thanks!
ReplyDeletelisalmg25 at gmail dot com
My fave childhood memory is having Boo-Berry cereal. It's a cereal that always makes me think of being a kid.
ReplyDeletehebert024 at aol dot com
My favorite childhood cereal memory is eating the marshmallows from Lucky Charms.
ReplyDeletemadamerkf at aol dot com
I remember waking up in the middle of the night once as a kid and sitting on the kitchen floor eating Froot Loops out of the box!
ReplyDeleteI blogged about your giveaway here: http://thriftyjinxy.blogspot.com/2009/03/freebie-friday-free-stuff-great-deals_12.html
ReplyDeletewe liked cooked rice and raisens with butter:)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite memory was always being excited when we had Sugar Pops.
ReplyDeleteMy Granddaughter is our little Punkin and she loves Kix. I'd love to win this for her.
ReplyDeleteEvery once in a while my Mom would let us have cereal for dinner and we always though that was a big treat.
Eating FrankenBerries and Count Chocola. garrettsambo@aol.com
ReplyDeleteI have a very nice memory of Capt Crunch cereal.
My mom would only let us have non-sugar cereals when I was a kid, so I have great memories of sleeping over at friends' houses and getting up and relishing having Lucky Charms or Cocoa Puffs or whatever was the least healthy cereal I could find!
I remember having original Cheerios and that was OK because I really didn't like the sweetened cereals and I didn't add much sugar to my Cheerios.
ReplyDeleteI remember eating cheerios or Rice Krispies of the morning before going to school.
I subscribe
My favorite childhood cereal memory is eating bowls of cereal in front of the TV on Saturday mornings with my older sister.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway!
I subscribed in Google Reader. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite cereal memory is reaching to the bottom and pulling out the prize that was in almost every box of cereal!
ReplyDeleteI used to eat cinnamon toast crunch and then wait for the milk to get all cinnamony and then drink it. Of course that made me thirsty so I had to get a glass of water after that!
My favorite childhood cereal memory was eating Frosted Flakes and letting them get nice and soggy because that's the way I like them.
My favorite childhood memory is having cereal as a nighttime snack. I would put a handful of cereal into a mug, pour milk over it and spoon it out. I thought it made an excellent snack before bed.
ReplyDeleteEating golden grahams around age 3 with my babysitter:-)
ReplyDeletemommy koala at live dot com
oh I harken back to childhood and the delicious cream of wheat cereal that my mother fixed. I used to love the times that it had some lumps in it, I always thought those were so good but what 8 yr old wouldn't? Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
My favorite is the taste of Life cereal
ReplyDeleteBlogged for you just now .. http://skyxsky27.blogspot.com/2009/03/honey-kix-sweet-and-simple-gift-set.html
Subscribed to RSS feed. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
ReplyDeletesitting around the table and shareing a box of cereal with all my brothers and sisters is my fav memory.
ReplyDeleteI remember My mom buying me this cereal that looked like icecream cones. I have always talked about this cereal but nobody else seems to remember it. So maybe I was just dreaming. I once had a dream the Snap, Crackle pop guys were trying to kill me so dreaming of icecream cone cereal isn't to far fetched.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite childhood cereal memory is being able to eat sweet cereal at my grandparents house. My parents never let me and my sister eat any sugar cereals, but my granparents always had a few boxes for us.
ReplyDeleteWe were only allowed to eat sugary cereals on the weekends and I remember waking up early on Saturday mornings and making myself a big bowl of sugary cereal and watching cartoons.
ReplyDeleteMaking rice krispies treats with my mom :)
ReplyDeleteI remember always wanting frosted flakes.
My parents bought "fake" cereal, so when I was ten and got to visit my grandparents alone, i got to pick TWO "real" cereals...cookie crisp and cinnamon toast crunch...those are still my two most favorite cereals!
ReplyDeleteWe actually got "membership buttons and cards" for the Captain Crunch Club. (Hey, we thought it was cool)
ReplyDeletehmmmm .. digging to the bottom to get the toy :)
ReplyDeletethanks bunched!