Win it Dad! The Nixon LoDown Watch

There's nothing cooler than a Dad who surfs, and have we got a prize for you! Up for grabs is this super-cool Nixon LoDown Watch (valued at $90) and available as a Project Blue product. (Project Blue's mission is to get involved with keeping our world's oceans clean and safe for years to come!)

This amazing watch is pre-programmed with tide charts for 200 beaches for the next 15 years. It also features a wave counter, dual time function, light, and a polycarbonate case good up to 100 meters underwater! Boaters and fisherman can get some use out of it, too (if you're not anywhere near the beach, that is.)

Wanna win? Of course you do! Just leave a comment on this post with your favorite beach memory. Don't have one? Make it up! You can enter ONE TIME DAILY and you have until June 29th at 11:59pm CST to get your entries in.

Giveaways are subject to complete site rules. (Be sure to give us a way to reach you if you win, and remember that we will never use your email or contact info for anything other than to send your prize.) Good luck, and be sure to check out all of our other giveaways!


  1. My favorite beach memory was when my husband and I went on our honeymoon. I will never forget walking out on the sand for the first time as husband and wife!

  2. my favorite beach memory was when i was 2 yrs. old.,watching little crabs scuttle across the sand at a beach near New Orleans.

  3. I remember taking my kids to the lakee when they were small and now I take my grandkids to the lake! That is a tradition! What a memory is made!

  4. My favorite beach memory is when my family and I used to spend the day at the beach swimming and picnicking

    :) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

  5. Favorite Beach memory was going to the beach when it was still a little cool for the water and watching the dolphins out playing and walking along and seeing a sting ray close to the beach.

  6. Finding shells along the beach, I found the smalles, complete, abalone shell once.

  7. Having grown up on the first public beach in the US (Revere Beach), This watch would rekindle my love of the surf and my need to be aware of the passage of time!

  8. once I was wearing skirt and ended up going beach. Half moon bay in California has lots of winds, I learned that day!

  9. we spent a lot of time at laguna beach as kids and loved it completely!

  10. We've been going to Wildwood Beach every year since I was a small child. I'm now 47 and we bring our kids there every year. My parents, brother, sister in law, nieces and newphews all go down the same time. My favorite memory, each year, is when we all get together and build a giant sand castle. The younger kids love this and the older ones have really gotten quite good at building.
    Thanks so much for this great giveaway!

  11. laying in the sand all warm and cuddly


  13. My favorite beach memory is building sandcastles as a child with not a worry in the world!

    abfantom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  14. back in the late 1949s when i was a small boy and the whole would stay over nite in coney islandm ny
    which is not possible now

  15. fave memory was when we found that buried pirate chest full of treasure, what, you said we could make it up

  16. My favorite beach memory is of my son and I searching for sea glass. He's my little treasure hunter.

  17. Dodging the prehistoric horseshoe crabs was my biggest memory of the beach. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  18. never been to beach hey you know what that really sucks

  19. Another favorite was going to the NJ Shore with a neice and doing nothing but get to know her and her goals and dreams

  20. we drove our car on south padre beach, texas, that was amazing!

  21. My fave memory is the one we will create this year when we go on vacation. I've seen pictures of myself, Daddy and Grandpa at Galveston but I was about two or so and don't remember "going to the b*tch" as I am told I called it as a kiddo. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

  22. One of my best beach memories is making sandcastles with my Dad.

  23. I don't have alot of beach memories.

    ktgonyea at

  24. My favorite beach memory is being on the beach late one night in South Carolina and seeing baby sea turtles hatch and make their way down the sand to the water. Amazing to watch!

  25. My favorite beach memory was just hanging out at the beach, watching all the beautiful lifeguards in their red swim suits running around, one blonde in particular was so nice, I think her name was C.J....I also got to know the head lifeguard, his name was Mitch, he was one great guy, he was kinda crazy though, talked about this car he used to have that talked...Too much sun, I guess...

  26. finding my first huge conch/conk shell that was huge- it was beautiful and i still have it

  27. walking w/ my hubby and finding shells and the smell and the sounds were great

  28. I live right near the beach. My favorite memories are as little kids playing in the sand. Staying up til 2am, huddled in blankets, looking at shooting stars, sitting by the fire, and having a blast.

  29. Nixon makes really great watches! My son is a surfer and would love this one.
    Our family owned a beach house when I was young and my fondest memories are of fishing and catching crabs with my Dad. He gave me my love for the beach and the ocean. And since my son is a surfer, it looks it passed down to his generation too.

  30. My favorite beach moment was being on Wakiki beach with my grandparents! At the time, I was only 15, so I didnt get the true beauty of it, but looking back at pics and our videos, I wish I could go back and relive it! Such a beautiful place to be!

    Kristy H.

  31. My favorite memory was the first time I went to Floriday with my cousin more than 50 years ago.

  32. I played chess on the beach every week

  33. Standing on the beach, surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, at 2 AM. When the waves hit the shore, the phosperous in the water makes it look like thousand of little flashbulbs are going off. And you can watch it from as far away as you can see, to the left, til it rushes by you heading right. Fantastic.

  34. Great Fathers day gift

  35. duncan_beach@hotmail.comJune 13, 2009 at 3:33 PM

    A nice day in late July, in Iowa, where beaches happen to be scarce-at least the sand kind. My family, on the other hand, is like fleas on a shaggy dog up here. Anyway, it was about twenty five years ago, and my girl and I had gone with her family to the one thing that could be called a beach. She and I went into the water, and a fish brushed by her leg. Thinking it was a snapping turtle, she climbed up onto my shoulders, and wouldn't get down again until we both got out of the water, five hours later (I've always been strong, so I didn't mind-at all). I can still remember the feel of her skin next to mine, and the way she shrieked every time I decided I was going to swim for a while.

  36. The kids enjoying themselves running in and out of the water was fun

  37. Growing up with a summer camp and spending time fishing with my Dad.

  38. One time I went to this big party on the beach and got into a football game that was going on...These dudes I was playing with helped me out, they became my friends...They taught me how to surf at night, they took me skydiving, lots of drinking and parties...Then I found out they were bank robbers and I had to quit hanging out with them...

  39. We made a sand castle at Lincoln city beach, oregon.

  40. The Pacific Ocean waves crashing into the shore where the phosperous in the water lights up the night.

  41. We are a beach family...we live on long island which is surrounded by beaches and we love our beach vacations!

  42. Count me in again please - 06/14 :)

    ktgonyea at

  43. My favorite beach memory is when my family and I used to spend the day at the beach swimming and picnicking

  44. Favorite Beach memory was going to the beach when it was still a little cool for the water and watching the dolphins out playing

  45. Just sitting and watching and listening to the waves rumble in, very peaceful

  46. Back in the 60s, I drove my 32 Ford Coupe out to California, I ended up at all these groovy beach parties...We would race our hot rods, then we would come back to the beach and turn all our radios on and dance to all this great beach music....It was a blast!!!

  47. at Santa monica beach one afternoon, I enjoyed looking at the surfers. It was so much fun.

  48. I remember when I was about 8, visiting Ca. and trying boogy boarding for the first time and the thrill that it gave me!

  49. The beach and good times is a gotogether that lasts a lifetime.

  50. Back when I was in Navy Seal training, they use to take us out to the beach and throw us out in the water, we would huddle together and try to stay warm and not quit...It didnt seem fun at the time, but when they sent me off to war, and bullets were flying over my head and bombs were going off, I use to think back of how much fun I had in Seal training with my buddies...It got me through...

  51. The first time I saw an ocean (the Atlantic) I was 4. I kind of recall just sitting and watching it forever. I must have done more cause I Still have my very first shell.

  52. I sooooooooooooo need this watch!

  53. I would love to win. My favorite memory is when my oldest children were young and we went to visit my brother at Virgina Beach. It was the first time my wonderful husband had ever seen the ocean. This was in March and he took off to the ocean like a wild man. It was hilarious. He was so excited to see the ocean it didnt matter how cold it was. How I love that man. Thank you for the chance

  54. the first time saw the pacific was off the oregon coast . . . it was beautiful

  55. Having my Dad teach me how to fish and catch crabs in the Gulf.

  56. My favorite beach memory was in Miami with my dad :( Thanks for the contest!

  57. I love to make sand castles with kids. it is much more fun than doing the same at the parks.

  58. My husband was working in Rhode Island 10 years ago and I got to take my two oldest grandsons to the beach often that summer.

  59. I have lived my life (67 years) at many places on the east coast and each time I visit close by beaches, I feel I am returning to a calming and wonderful place. I think the water is linked to all of us. Perhaps because somewhere in the past our species emerged from it.

  60. My favorite memory is when I took my son to the beach for the first time. I loved watching his face and he felt the water and sand.

    K. C.
    kccuties AT gmail DOT com

  61. Learning to fish with my Dad at a young age is one of my favorite memories.

  62. My favorite beach memory is when we took our oldest son (now 20 years old) to the beach for the first time and built sand castles.

  63. We had a summer camp on the beach when I was young and my Dad and I would spend hours and hours fishing and swimming. He even taught me how to scuba dive in the Gulf when I was 8. I'm now a certified diver, thanks to him.

  64. One of the best is being able to, "Remember, Walkin' in the Sand", with the guy who wrote the song.

  65. I love watching surfers..and like to collect shells.

  66. my favorite beach memory is picking agats with my grandfather on lake suerior

  67. duncan_beach@hotmail.comJune 19, 2009 at 11:45 AM

    I already told you my favorite beach memory! In fact it's such a beautiful thing, that sometimes, I go back to that lake, and sit on one of the picnic benches, just letting the breeze cool me and thinking about that day.

  68. When I first obtained a driver's license (in the 1950's), I cruised Revere Beach in my highly modified 1956 Corvette. Some years ago(10), I was instrumental in recreating that atmosphere (the beach was changed due to the hurricane of 1978) at a new nearby venue: FUDDRUCKERS, Route 1, Saugus, MA. Those of you in the Boston area curious about that era or desirous of reviving memories of that time, drop by Thursday nights all summer. Music, period cars, entertainment,it's the 50's, 60's and 70's all over agin.

  69. Finding Magic Shells when I was a kid. I still have one.

  70. I loved finding shells on the beach

  71. All beach memories are special if you're with someone you love -- and you can remove the word, "beach", too.

  72. Salty air and water, bright sunlight and clean sand, it doesn't get any better than this!

  73. My favorite beach memory is of taking my toddler niece to the beach for the first time, and as soon as she came out of the water, she started pulling her swimsuit off because she said it was too wet!!

  74. Seeing another comment brought back a memory --always taking my suit off and running in, out and around sun worshipers, til my mom could finally catch-up with me.

  75. Whether situated on a river or ocean or at a lake, there is no more soothing environment than a beach.

  76. our summer house had the best beach for memories

  77. because we are very far from beaches, we remember almost everything from previous trips. Like we found 15 shells for all of the friends of my daughter and she was so happy to give.

  78. Just shell searching was a nice beach memory

  79. My favorite beach memory is the first time we took our boys to the beach. The look on their faces were priceless. They did not know where to go first. They sat and played in the sand for hours. Thanks for the opportunity.

    the_angel_forever at yahoo dot com

  80. wow, great contest

  81. wow, great contest

  82. One of the best beach associated memories I have is of tubing down the Delaware River with my two children (when they were young) and stopping on beaches for snacks and lunch we carried attached to the tubes by nets. The slow moving river, the sand on the beaches, the sun. An August aquatic dream.

  83. How bout my funniest memory? I now live in a totally beachless area. Many years ago, after listening to me bemoaning that fact, my boyfriend had a contractor friend haul a ton (not literally, but there was a lot) of sand to his home and cover the area around the hot tub.He got shells, beach-type pebbles,etc. - the whole 9 yards. I'm still laughing now...

  84. My favorite beach moment was a huge BBQ that lasted all day

    :) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

  85. My favorite beach memory is the first time I saw the ocean at Seaside Heights, NJ when I was 5. We flew kites on the beach and got cotton candy on the boardwalk, and I thought it was heaven!

  86. Any day at any beach gives meaning to anyone's life.

  87. collecting shells was a favorite beach activity

  88. We were off Folly Beach at Charleston South Carolina when there was an astrological low tide. I was able to wade way out into the channel. It was magical. Of course, now I would suspect a tsunami but this was back in the olden days.

  89. All my beach memories beat any other memory-setting.

  90. when we were kids we always took a week down cape cod, body surfing the waves at coast guard beach, lots of good days down there! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  91. I remember going to the beach as a child and being so excited to see the ocean. I remember eating seafood and Krispy Kreme donuts (not together of course).

  92. Daily entry:06/26/09

  93. My 06/26 (Friday) entry :)

    ktgonyea at

  94. My favorite beach memory is bbqing all day while swimming and tanning

  95. Just the sun, surf, waves, picnic lunch, any beach outing was pleasant.

  96. My favorite beach memory was going fishing with my uncle and catching a large whiting.

  97. My favorite beach memory involved snorkeling (our first experience) off the shores of Maui with my wife last summer. :)

  98. My favorite beach memory goes all the way back to when I was a teen. A group of us went to the beach, played volleyball, picnicked and had a great time.

  99. I remember as a kid going to the beach and collecting sand dollars. We still have a whole stack of sand dollars and driftwood from those days around somewhere!

  100. hangen with bumpa and sometimes we would even fish!

  101. My favorite beach memory is my wedding. My husband and I got married on the beach in Maui

  102. Every beach day is a vacation day-
    Diane Baum

  103. I have so many! Ok, one of the favorites is when I went with a bunch of my good friends for the sunset dinner/piknick on a beach and afterward some night swimming!


  104. My favorite beach memory has yet to happen. My man and I are going to Florida in a few weeks, and I know that we are going to have wonderful time!

  105. Sitting on the beach in Ft Lauderdale first thing in the morning - it was so peaceful!
    believedreamcourage (at)

  106. My favorite memory was in Acapulco when a big wave came up on the beach and washed our belongings away.

  107. There is no better day than one at the beach, any beach.

  108. Last summer my husband and I took our almost-2-year-old daughter to the Caribbean and seeing her experience the beach for the first time was so great!


  109. A favorite beach memory is walking on Sunset Beach NC and keep walking to you get to Bird Island SC! Collecting seashells is fun too! Great giveaway! thanks for the opportunity!

  110. My favorite beach memory is the first time I went to the ocean when I was in 1st grade.

  111. My favorite beach moment was when my family took a trip to Palm Beach, Florida. I loved watching my then-four-year-old daughter scream with delight as she ran to and from the waves. Beautiful time!

    kneecree at gmail dot com

  112. One of my favorite beach memories was when my 13 year old brother came to visit me and my family in southern California. My children introduced him to the beach and it was a wonderful sharing experience.

  113. as a kid it was with my grandpa at any beach as an adult it was my sons first time at the ocean and his infectious giggles

  114. My fav memory was when my kids were little my hubby took them to the pool and taught them to swim.

  115. Living on a lake we have lots of favorite beach memories. Every time I watch our young children in the water swimming, playing and being carefree and full of wonderlust it practically brings tears to my eyes. I can think back to so many days last summer when my husband and I along with our 2 young children and 2 feisty dogs were all swimming and horsing around in the water together. The wind was coming right off the lake so the waves were a good 3-4 feet high and we all were just body surfing along with them. The kids were laughing even while the waves were sometimes crashing over their little heads. The dogs were even getting into it, as though they were watching us and mimicking what we were doing. This summer our kids will be waterskiing so it will be a whole new dimension being added to our beach and swimming activities. Let's see if the dogs want to try and mimmick that?! Also, we now have an 8 month daughter to add to our brood so she will be experiencing lake life in the water for the first time, just dunking in and out for now! That should be so wonderful to watch! I would love this watch for my husband as he spends so much of his spare time participating in water sports it is just perfect for him. Thanks so much for the chance to enter.

  116. My favorite beach memory is being at St. Petersburg, FL with my family, and my sisters were about 5 and 7. I loved playing with them, and making sand castles with them. I never wanted to leave that beach!

  117. I love going to the beach, we go several times every summer. I guess one of my favorite memories was when my soon to be 8 year old was 3. We went to the beach for her 3rd bday & they had fireworks (for the 4th of July) She looked up in amazement & thought the fireworks for her bday. Since then, every single bday we have to spend the day at the beach with her :)

  118. My favorite times is when we had a house on the lake-those were good times-swimming every day, watch the sunset over the lake every night. God's Blessings to all...

  119. Such a fabulous watch! One time we wear on vacation in the Outer Banks
    of North Carolina. One morning, we got up extra early to go to Corolla
    with the hope of seeing the Wild Mustangs that roam there! We were
    not disappointed. We saw several running through the sandy beach and we even found lovely Conch Shells!
    Please enter my name in your fabulous
    prize drawing. All is appreciated!
    Many thanks,Cindi

  120. my favorite beach memory was the last time i was there, my husband and i rode with my parents and at the time our daughter was 18 months old and watching her walk on the beach with my dad holding her by her arms so the waves could lap at her little feet and she would squeal and then cry at the same was the best day trip to hte beach i had ever had.

  121. My favorite beach memory is my husband's proposal to me on the beach at 6 am when noone else was on the beach.

  122. My favorite beach memory was when we took my daughter there for the first time. She was thrilled and horrified all at the same time with the ocean and the sand!

  123. I met my wife of 14 years on a beautiful beach in St. Thomas.

  124. My favorite beach memory would be going and collecting different shells and taking them home to make windchimes. It was so much fun.

  125. My favorite beach memory.. the G-rated one... my boyfriend at the time and I took his dog to the beach on our 4th date... it was very dark.. there were no street lights or anything. He actually had on a Nixon watch that we bought at venice beach 2 days looks like the one in the pic, but with a black band. He loved it! well, he lost it at the beach and we spent a while trying to find it in the dark! His doggy found it about an hour later.. sitting there with it hanging out of his mouth. The dog has since passed away, we had a beautiful baby girl and we're engaged! Where's the nixon? Still on his darn wrist.. we need a new one, this one has seen better days! :)

  126. My favorite would have to be the day that we moved back to the ocean.
    Having lived in Colorado all their lives my kids did not grow up near the ocean like me.

    The day that we all went and my children run in the sand and laughed by the water was awesome

    I love living at the ocean!!

  127. my favorite beach memory was when we all went to salisbury beach ma and we had an awesome time camping out and just being together..we are long overdue for another trip :)

  128. my favorite beach memory is when my husband chris took me for the first time to the beach It was amazing I could not beleive just looking out into openness for as far as i could see. I loved it and playing in the sand. I can not wait to take my own kids.

  129. Any memory concerning a beach is timeless.

  130. i remember building sandcastles and going into the ocean water for the first time with my dad holding my hand keeping me safe!

  131. My favorite beach memory was marrying my husband 11 years ago on Sanibel Island in

  132. Being in Lake Erie (in OH) swimming by myself when I was at camp--the only time I swam in a lake.

    flashlight13114 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  133. On the beach in Italy chasing crabs and catching shrimp as a kid :)

  134. When I went to Hawaii, several sea turtles came to the shallows. It was amazing.

  135. My favorite beach memory is swimming with the dolphins in Hawaii. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life.

  136. my favorite moment was with my 4 grandsons at the beach last year:)

  137. My favorite beach memory is hanging out with my boyfriend.

  138. My favorite memory is when we were night fishing at the beach in Nags
    Head and my husband caught a baby shark.I jumped and only could think
    of the movie Jaws.To this day I will never live that down and will never forget what that shark looked like

  139. my favorite beach memory was when i was 2 yrs. old playing with sea shells.

  140. My favorite beach memory is when my wife and I got lost on Maui and we were on this desolate part of the Island with amazing black sand beaches.


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