Crayola and GNO Talk Back-to-School Survival on Twitter!

Have you ever participated in GNO (Girls' Night Out) on Twitter? If not, you may be missing out on a fabulous time with other bloggers and a chance to win some cool prizes!

This Tuesday (Aug. 4th), and every Tuesday through the end of August, Crayola CreativityCast is sponsoring the conversation, giving us girls a chance to talk about all things back to school! To RSVP for this killer event, just follow the link at and sign up. You can meet other bloggers, get ideas for classroom activities, and just hang out!

(If you're not familiar with GNO, it's OK! I wasn't either, at first. This handy tutorial gives you everything you need to get started.) So, to review, the basics are:

  • RSVP before Tuesday at
  • Include your Twitter URL in the comments
  • Visit MomItForward/GNO every Monday for all the details for that week's GNO topic
  • When GNO is live, use #GNO in your Tweets, so others know you're participating!
  • Get your chance to win cool prizes!
Ready? You just have a little more than 24 hours to get in on the fun! We are also giving away a very cool Crayola Creativity Pack for our readers! It includes lots of back-to-school basics (like crayons and markers), as well as a few some new, innovative stuff (like possibly the Tadoodles Washable Crayon Buddies, for example.)

To be entered to win our weekly prize pack, just leave a comment on this post with your tip for Back-to-School survival! You have until this Friday, Aug. 7th at 11:59 pm CST to get your entries in!

Giveaways are subject to complete site rules. (Be sure to give us a way to reach you if you win, and remember that we will never use your email or contact info for anything other than to send your prize.) Good luck, and be sure to check out all of our other giveaways!

*Gift basket was received by MyBlogSpark for this post.


  1. yippee i'm first. a week before school, i start inforcing school bedtime and waking hours. that way it's not a shock the first day of school

  2. buy plenty of supplies now to last thru the year and summer to save alot on supplies..also you can send them with new crayons for the new term in jan so they get excited about going back after the holidays

  3. Leave plenty of time to process and allow them the opportunity to tell you exactly what is going on. Retain the info and question accordingly to show cumulative interest.

  4. pack their lunches, what they serve in school is not that healthy

  5. I always tend to shop early for all of my back to school. It eliminates the stress of rushing to get everything in time. We are normally done well before school starts back.
    We also start getting everyones routine worked out the week before.
    With one child that is ADHD that is a must. That way he is as prepared as the rest without the confusion or questions.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  6. play hard and get along with everyone

  7. Getting them back into a routine instead of being able to sleep in late.

  8. Enforcing bedtime and morning routines to help the kiddies know what is expected of them.

  9. I'm a teacher and my students would LOVE this stuff. I can see all kinds of fun arts and crafts in the future!!

  10. Getting ready for back to school I start shopping throughout the summer for sales on clothes and supplies that way when everyone is buying in August I can sit back and relax because I am already done.

  11. my tip is to get extra of everything because sure as I am lving your kids are bound to lose just one thing from here to when school starts

  12. My oldest child is starting kindergarten next week! I'm already having separation anxiety. This week we've been putting our son to bed earlier so that he'll be used to waking up earlier. Thanks!

  13. Start a routine and stick to it all year. Get the clothes out the night before, have the backpacks packed and ready and by the front door.

    Elite protector in king size!

  14. My tip is to hit the sales after school has started. Save them up to have plenty for the next year or refresh what they need in the middle of the year.

  15. Getting things ready the night before makes each day easier.

  16. Getting them back into a routine instead of being able to sleep in late is a must if you want things to go smooth.

  17. I'm going to make going back to school easier for my kidlets by them giving new friends these cute card magnets we made together. They have positive affirmations on them like, "I am a Winner!", and "The more I smile at others, the more they will smile!" Thank you for the contest!

  18. My advice is to start planning early when the school supplies are first set out. It gets brutal in the store during the last few days. Also, stock up for the whole year when there is so much selection and everything is on sale.

  19. Get everything ready the night before (supplies, lunches, etc)-better yet, train the kids to do that! Thanks!

  20. Shop the sales and only buy the school supplies you need!

    Mark Nason
    mfncgp AT yahoo DOT com

  21. My tip is to give yourself time to buy supplies--there are good deals if you don't leave everything to the last minute! Thanks for the contest!

  22. Give your kids a glass of carnation instant breakfast before sending them off. It beats taking the time to cook breakfast and convincing them to eat it all.

  23. I going shopping on tax free weekend to get everything we need. I also buy a few extra items for later in the year. We also get some supplies for the stuff the bus program that gives kids school supplies whose families cannot affrord to buy them. We look forward to this weekend each year.

  24. I get the kids used to going to bed early again before school starts! That helps a lot!

  25. We go ahead and read a book or two so that the kids can go ahead and take a library (AR) test when they start school and can be well on their way to meeting their goal for that 9 week period. Also, homework as soon as they walk in the door so we are not having to stay up all night and do it.

  26. plan and start early 2 be ready for the big day.

  27. I start getting the kids to bed earlier as it gets closer to school. I also have my daughter pick out her clothes the night before.

  28. shop for supplies early and when they are on sale so its out of the way

  29. Get the kids accustomed to "school time" a few weeks early. Find the time they have to get up to make getting ready for school and eating breakfast a relaxed affair.

    jlsemon at gmail dot com

  30. Make it fun, organize the working space by adding some new stuff, shop a fun new supplies and clothes!


  31. Stay on a meal and sleep schedule so they don't crash when school starts.
    Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

  32. I have always tried to have all supplies bought at least 2 weeks before school starts.This year I will be homeschooling,so my supply list is smaller.Shop the sales.Compare sale papers(it eally is worth it).Thanks!

  33. shop early for school supplies - last year I waited too long and had troubles

    I'd love to win this prize, thanks for sponsoring this.


  34. I try to have everythign ready the night before so we dont waste time in the morning!

  35. Organizing and planning ahead makes the mornings less stressful! Getting to bed at a decent hour in order to get up early helps, too!

  36. We stock up on suppplies when they are cheap, that way we have some on-hand when they run out throughout the year.

    hebert024 at aol dot com

  37. I buy school supplies late in the Fall when they are clearanced and store them for when we need them. Ditto for clothes, they don't really need Fall clothes until a month or two after school starts, that is the time to buy - when it is being clearanced for to make room for holiday items

  38. I shop sales all year round. That way there's no mad rush to get everything done before school starts.

  39. Set a bedtime and wake up routine a couple weeks before school starts.

  40. Pick up doubles of all supplies so if something breaks or gets lost you don't have to panic.

  41. I started getting the kids on school bedtimes several weeks ago, so the first couple of weeks aren't so painful with them adjusting their sleep schedules.

  42. I wake them up eary and feed them a good breakfast.

  43. Go shopping early for sales on school items and clothes! Don't wait till the week before to start!

  44. Buy all the supplies in advance; most school districts release their supply lists about a month before the year, but pick up essentials whenever they're on sale. I see a lot of good deals for Crayola products around.

  45. I always made sure to get a backpack that could handle all the too-thick-textbooks!


  46. Have your kids pick out their outfits the night before, this really works great!

  47. Stay calm and organize your childs things in color coded bins.

  48. buy extra supplies while they are on sale and then "shop" in your stash as they need something. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

  49. We start getting used to an earlier bedtime and earlier wake up time a couple of weeks before school starts so its not so much of a shock!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  50. We get as much done as possible the night before..clothes laid out, lunches packed, etc. I get the kids up a little earlier to allow for extra time..which is not always needed, but it has saved me from taking them to school on some days!

  51. My back to school survival tip? Buy school supplies in the off season when they are on clearance. I got 50 notebooks for under $2.

  52. Get your routine straight. Once you're on it, make sure your kids understand the importance of it.

    feliciamking (at) rocketmail [dot] com

  53. We don't buy everything before school since there is always something needed after school starts. We get the essentials on the list and then supplement it after we get more details from the teachers.

  54. Throughout the summer I scour store ads to find the cheapest back to school clothing and supplies!

  55. Back to school survival tip, make sure to start getting the kids on a good sleeping schedule like 2 weeks before school starts!!! :)

  56. I always stock up on school items when they go on clearance so in the middle of the year when there is a project we have all the stuff ready to go.

  57. My tip is to try to be as organized as possible. Have everything on hand and ready to go the night beforehand. That saves a lot of headaches in the morning. Also, don't wait til the last minute to shop.

    dispatcher_kristy (at) hotmail (dot) com

  58. If I wait until the week school starts, there are clearance sales on all the school supplies. Comes in handy when you have 4 kids to buy supplies for!

  59. well it is my sons first year of school,so we are new at this!One thing is the bed time,we have already started this&clothes out before bed!


  60. We set up everything for the next day the night before so we're not so rushed!

  61. This is my daughter's first year of school, but I have been making her go to bed earlier each night for the last week! Plan to do that till school starts, so she dont get a rude awakening!

    hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

  62. My tip is to get back into the school time routine at least a week before school starts. That way, it's not so hard for them to wake up early again!

  63. I always make the lunches and pack their backpacks the night before so we are not in such a rush in the mornings.

  64. I have something fun for breakfast the first week so they are more excited to get up.

  65. when it starts getting closer to the school year I start to limit more of their sugar intake so they can concentrate better.

  66. I like to take them to the bus stop once before school starts so they know where to go and have more of an idea of things to make them less nervous.
    babybird022 AT gmail DOT com

  67. My tip for back to school survival is to let the older kids (4th grade and up), pick out their own school clothes (within reason). It sure does avoid a lot of hassle.

  68. as a teacher I stockpile EVERYTHING that I might need throughout the year.

  69. Even if your budget is tight try to get SOMETHING that your child is excited about. Even something as small as a Hello Kitty Folder or some Spongebob pencils. I also agree to stockpile as much as you can while the prices are so low. You'll need to restock as the year goes on.

    Thanks so much!

  70. a back to school survival tip would be to make sure outfits are picked out BEFORE the day of school. make shopping a fun thing, esp. if the child is worried about going to school.

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  71. tip for back to school survival (and for life in general):
    keep a positive attitude

  72. We start getting the bedtime routine back to school times.. we go through clothes and supplies to make sure we have everything...

  73. get the backpack, clothes ready the night before and get up earlier just in case

  74. i go school shopping in the beginning of summer and get alot of great deals on fall and winter clearances

  75. Back to school tip! Show enthusiasm so your kids will too!

  76. Get everything ready the night before that is possible. Clothes can be laid out, backpacks organized and lunch made and in the refrigerator for a quick grab.


  77. My back-to-school survival tip is to have your kids go to bed earlier about two weeks before school starts. That way they'll have a sleep schedule and 6:30 won't be foreign to them.

  78. My tip is to prepare ahead of time and look for sales

  79. Lay out your clothes the day before. Mornings are maniac.

  80. A few weeks before school starts you can get stuff really cheap so watch for sales :)

  81. Great prize for the kids!

    My tip is have patience with the little ones.

    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  82. Since we homeschool Back to School never really happens - we school year round, so my tip for homeschoolers is wait until after school starts, then start picking up the school supplies for pennies on the dollar when they all go on sale!

  83. My tip for Back-to-School survival is to be prepared as much as possible.

  84. My back to school plan includes putting all new school stuff (clothes, shoes, backpacks & supplies) out in tubs in the garage. With my 5 boys, it's almost a guarantee that if I put it in their rooms now, half would be missing or destroyed before that first bell on the first day even rings. lol


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