If you're back-to-school shopping list is anything like mine, you'll have a cartful of products purchased and ready to go soon. But what about the waste? I mean, what do you do with the products when they've been used up, run out, or just don't meet your needs anymore?
The Elmer's Glue Crew has the answer to at least one of your supply recycling needs. They are responsible for ensuring that your classroom can take its glue bottle and glue stick "empties" to the nearest Walmart, where the greeter will take them and make sure they get handled in a greener way!
To enroll your classroom, just visit the Elmer's Glue Crew website. You can win some fantastic prizes, too! (Follow them via Twitter @ElmersGlueCrew.)
Wanna win? We have our own prize for a special Elmer's fan, here at Lille Punkin'! Just comment on this post with your favorite glue memory, and you'll be entered to win a prize pack containing:
- 8 oz. Washable School Glue
- 8 oz. Elmer’s Glue-All®
- Washable School Glue Stick
- Extra Strength Gel School Glue Jumbo Stick
- Washable School Glue Stick
- All-Purpose Glue Stick
- Washable School Glue
- Washable School Glue Gel
- 3D Jumbo Glitter Paint Pen
- No Wrinkle Glue Pen
Giveaways are subject to complete site rules. (Be sure to give us a way to reach you if you win, and remember that we will never use your email or contact info for anything other than to send your prize.) Good luck, and be sure to check out all of our other giveaways!
Oh my kids would love this!!! They love GLUE!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
My favorite glue memory is using the rubber cement in school. I like painting my finger with the little brush and the balling up the glue! Weird, huh?
ReplyDeleteabfantom at yahoo dot com
Making macaroni art!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure this is a memory I'm all that proud of, but I remember when were were in elementary school we'd spread Elmer's glue on a finger and let it dry. When it dried we would peel it off and look at our fingerprints in it!
ReplyDeletejlsemon at gmail dot com
I remember when I was little my sister showed me that if you put glue dots on a piece of plastic they would dry that way so we would make glue dots and then wait for them to dry and then would stick them on our fingernails and pretend to give each other manicures with them.
ReplyDeleteWe did a lot of puzzles when we were younger and we used spread a layer of glue over our puzzle to make our own decoupage so we could hang puzzle on the walls.
This is just what we need for school this year! I remember in school that we make tissue paper flowers on paper with lots of ooey glue! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteanother hand gluer here
ReplyDeletefunny how we all did it
making a paper mache rabbit and egg in third grade is a fun glue memory
ReplyDeleteI remember as a kid putting glue on my hands and letting it dry, so I could peel it off, lol.
ReplyDeleteMaking wreaths from old readers digest and using glue to hold them together.
ReplyDeletemy kids love glue this would be perfect for them thanks for the great giveaway bad_girl_4_u_1984@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite glue moment was putting together a pinata for spanish class. I made Plankton from SpongeBob. Thanks for the opportunity!
My favorite glue memory is the time me and my brother were playing tug of war in the living room and broke our mom's lamp. We didn't want her to find out so we glued all the pieces together. We gobbed the glue on really thick and held it with our hands till the glue dried. Needless to say when we unstuck our hands from the lamp the entire lamp crashed to the floor and broke in hundreds of pieces. We had to accept the fact mom was going to find out. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteWhen my kids were small, my husband made silly putty out of Elmer's glue.
ReplyDeleteI used to love coating my palms in glue, letting it dry then peeling it off and seeing the prints left in the glue.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite memory is using watered down glue to glue ripped up magazine pictures onto glass jars to make mosaic jars with my Grandma (many may years ago!)
ReplyDeleteMy 3-year-old kidlet got ahold of a bottle of Elmer's glue and spread it all over the furniture and carpet and it was also all over herself!! lol! Thank you for the contest!
I remember painting glue onto my fingertips and letting it dry, to create little fingerprints.
ReplyDeleteJennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Some time ago, when our cats were kittens, I had some projects spread out that were drying. One of the kittens managed to get up on the counter (not an easy feat, since he was quite small) and walked across the drying area. Naturally, he stuck. My grandson came in carrying kitten and stuck on papers. I had to redo the project, but they were fairly easy to get off his paws, but he did have quite a bit of residue stuck in his fur. After clipping most of it away and giving him a bath, he looked rather strange for awhile!
ReplyDeleteclynsg at yahoo.com
My favorite glue memory was using Elmer's glue in art class when I was in primary school.
My favorite glue memory is the first time I let my son use Elmer's glue - he was sticking cotton balls onto a Santa "face" he drew. When he was done he told me not to peek because it was my present. asthenight at gmail dot com
ReplyDeletewe used to draw with the glue and let it dry. then paint the designs in with watercolor... the glue was like a little watercolor barrier
ReplyDeleteandrus.shelly at gmail.com
I always loved gluing things onto paper! It was so fun! I just didn't like when glue got stuck to your fingers! :)
Making a Working Volcano. Thanks for the chance
I use to outline the palms of my hands with glue, wait until it dried and peel it as if it was my skin.
My favorite glue project was making colored glue dots - masking tape/markers/drop of glue while marker spot was still wet - magic colored glue dot! Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteMy 4 grandkids R always wanting the glue, 2 glue projects, this giveaway package would come in handy around here, so thanks 4 the chance 2 win it
My favorite glue memory is gluig dried beans and dried pasta onto cigar boxes with my Mom:)
My favorite glue memories from childhood invloved a LOT of glitter and glue - homemade holiday ornaments at Christmas
ReplyDeleteI am a elementary school teacher so i have many great glue memories. My favorite was when one of my students poured an entire bottle of glue on his project because he thought that was what you were suppose to do. Thanks. kaitlin5m@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite memory was watching all of the crafts that my children have made me at the kitchen table with Elmers glue.
ReplyDeleteI still have every piece :)
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
My favorite glue memory is when my oldest used glue sticks for the first time. he pressed so hard he almost used the entire stick for the project.
ReplyDeletethe_angel_forever at yahoo dot com
I loved art class in school, especially when we would cut and paste.
My favorite glue memory was finally being allowed to use it. Up until the second grade we were only allowed to use paste-glue was for the "big kids".
ReplyDeletesmchester at gmail dot com
My favorite glue memory is the time we used a cookie cutter in the shape of a ghost. We then put waxed paper on the bottom and filled it with glue. After it became a little more solid we added a string to hang the ghost up. We then let it dry and added a mouth and googly eyes.
ReplyDeleteI always remember spreading the glue thinly over our hands and then pealing it off. It looked liked a snake shedding its skin. We would say, "ewwww" and then do it again, hahaha.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great giveaway!!!
mayacarpenter at verizon dot net
no joke,.... I once super glued my tongue to my teeth! Went to pull the lid off the super glue, but it was already off and instead squirted glue in my mouth - it very quickly took hold - true story!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite glue memory is making glue fingernails in elementary school. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy best memory is my friends & I always glue leaves to paper and make pictures. Threy were horrid now that I think about it but we thought they were the best things.
ReplyDeletehebert024 at aol dot com
I used to love to get glue on my hands and peel it off.
ReplyDeleteIt's so strange, I know, but my favorite glue memory is putting glue on my hands, letting it dry, and peeling it off to see the imprint. I'm not even kidding, I loved to do that for YEARS when I was a kid.
When I was a kid, I loved letting colored glue dry onto saran wrap. After it dried, I could peel it off and play with it.
ReplyDeletespeechforme gmail
I remember being thrilled by putting glue on my finger tips and peeling it off to get finger prints.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember how old I was, maybe 8 or 9. But I loved building forts with Popsicle sticks and Elmer's Glue.
ReplyDeleteThank you,
I love making yarn art dipped in glue with my kids.
ReplyDeleteI used to love to paint glue on my hands when my younger brother wasn't watching and the peel it off in front of him. He'd freak out that I was peeling off my skin!
ReplyDeleteI also remember putting glue on my hands and letting it dry, so I could peel it off and see the fingerprints. jelly15301@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite glue memory is when I used glue in school.
My favorite glue memory is making collages with my grandmother -- something I now do with my own kids!
I used to love drawing shapes with my Elmer's glue (love the smell too) and then peeling them off and playin with them! lol
ReplyDeletei remember way back in kindergarden we always had to make sure this one kid didn't eat the paste - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
ReplyDeleteFavorite glue memory... watching kids try to determine what rubber cement smelled like. EWWWW
ReplyDeleteI remember in fourth grade making fake finger nails with elmers glue!
ReplyDeleteDiane Baum
My favorite glue memory was covering my hands in white glue and hiding them until it dried, then if I was careful I could peel it all off in one piece and have an awesome glue hand to play with!
ReplyDeleteI love the glitter glue it has sooo many uses!!My kids love any kind of glue that they can make a mess with!
It's a bad memory..but when I was young I super glued my fingers together and it took hours to seperate them.
My favorite glue memory is squirting it on my hands, letting it dry and peeling it off like a layer of skin…weird, I know.
ReplyDeleteAs others have said, the first memory that came to me was spreading glue over my hands and then peeling the dried hand print off. I'm not sure why this was so fascinating.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
my memory is gluing colored tissue paper around a balloon
ReplyDeletetiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Hmm, well my most memorable glue moment was when I was so intent on my art and craft project that I grabbed what I thought was my Koolaid Jammer bottle, and accidentally drank from a bottle of glue... ahh, preschool..so many memories.
I loved working on collages in the first grade. With those round bottles that had the orange screw off lids with the stick applicator. Pasting all kinds of found objects to a piece of poster paper. Buttons, beans, nuts, candy wrappers, pieces of fabric etc... you name it, I glued it!!!
Doing paper mache in about 4th grade. Was so fun I always remember that & that was like 46 yrs ago
ReplyDeleteI used to love to put glue all over my palms and then stick my hands together and see if I could get them stuck! Then I would pull them apart and peel all of the glue off. Thanks for the contest. amied027@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI used lots of glue in summer camp on popsicle stick crafts -- it was lots of fun :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
One year at Christmas, me and my cousins couldn't find any tape.Well in art class the teacher told us that flour and water made a makeshift glue. Well we wrapped our presents using the flour and water "glue" mixture, we woke up on Christmas to see that every present was covered in mold! Its funny now but wasn't then.
ReplyDeletethe classic glue on the hands then peeling in off con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteHow can you go wrong with the timeless classic of Elmer's Glue....You can't! Thanks for the great contest.
My favorite glue memory is my kids making glue & glitter ornaments on waxed paper then putting them on the tree- we still have some we reminisce over every year.
ReplyDeleteI don't really have any glue memories (other than using it). But anybody else old enough to remember using PASTE!? Yuck!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger grandma sat us all down at the table and we made Easter Baskets with elmers glue, ribbons, and colorful string. I can wait to make them with my daughter.
ReplyDeletei remember my brother used to eat gloe..lol
ReplyDeleteMy favorite memory is when I was little, I loved pulling the dried glue off my hands. Sometimes I would purposely get some on me so I could pull it off later. Thank you
I was doing arts and crafts with these kids I had babysat at the time. We were working with construction paper and glue at the coffee table. I left to get the door for a moment and when I came back the three little kids had covered their arms, legs and cheeks in glue! I panicked at the time but now I think it's hillarious! While I was washing them off (which was a pain) I said "It's not soap you guys!" and they said "Yeah but it feels good when you take it off when it go dry dry!" CUTE!
ReplyDeletePulling the dried glue off my skin and scaring my mom with it
My favorite memory is using it at arts and crafts at camp
ReplyDeleteOk I know this is gross but I use to love putting it on my hands when I was a kid and waiting for it to dry and peel it off, it reminded me of my moms face masks.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite memory is when my boys were in preschool and they made macaroni pictures to bring home. They were so proud of them
ReplyDeleteIn Kindergarten, I used to east glue!! YUK!! What was I thinking!!
ReplyDeleteHA HA HA!!
Jeccica Simpson
Gluing glitter onto everything LOL
ReplyDeleteI went 2 a glue factory when I was in grade school:)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite glue memory is making crafts in school and gluing things together.