Does sending cash to a large, unknown charity seem a bit impersonal? Maybe you want to know what your money will go to, and how it will directly affect the person receiving it. I just found out about a wonderful charity called OxFam America Unwrapped, and it was right in line with my family's holiday giving goals.Here's the scoop on OxFam America Unwrapped:
- Gifts can be purchased to help local or world charities. You can decide which communities are directly affected by your giving.
- Items cost as little as $12! This means that you can send something of value to someone in need, and you don't have to pay to ship it.
- Looking for a charity in a specific giving area? Choose between animal gifts, green gifts, or emergency essentials (among others.) You can make an impact in an area that means the most to you.
- Soap ($12) - This gift provides a community with 20 pounds of multipurpose soap!
- A dozen chicks ($40) - As farmers, I can't tell you how special this gift is! An HIV/AIDS affected household will get their own starter flock (for eggs and food.)
- Train a midwife ($150) - This is a beautiful gift that keeps on giving, when a midwife is trained to delivery babies safely.
“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Oxfam America Unwrapped and received a credit for a gift on the Oxfam site.”
I love Oxfam America Unwrapped!