We have one of these neat pumps to give away to a nursing Mom! To learn more about this product, visit the Evenflo website at www.evenflo.com
Wanna Win? Simply leave a comment with your best nursing tip. If you don't have one, just tell us why you want to win this prize! You have until December 31st at 11:59 pm CST to get your entries in, and you can enter every day! (Just comment as directed for your first entry, and for each entry after that, type "Today's Entry!")
Giveaways are subject to complete site rules. (Be sure to give us a way to reach you if you win, and remember that we will never use your email or contact info for anything other than to send your prize.) Good luck, and be sure to check out all of our other giveaways!
relax mverno@roadrunner.com
ReplyDeleteI would love love love to win this. When I had my son we rented an electric pump-buying was just out of our price range. I would love own my own for our next baby! thank you! jenprincess88 at aol dot com
ReplyDeleteMy best nursing tip is to lose all embarrassment. Prior to being pregnant, I thought breast feeding was weird and was embarrassed to do so. Now I realize it's nothing to feel embarrassed about!
ReplyDeleteMy best tip is to sit up straight. lol I would always recline in the chair and then my sister told me to sit up and he will suck better. made everything easy from then on.
ReplyDeleteI'm a dad, so while I can't nurse, I can say that in my mind, natural breast milk is far and away the best way to feed our newborn child. I find that the store-bought formulas and non-natural concoctions don't quite give the same benefit and nutrition that natural breast like does. Breast is best :)
ReplyDeleteI'm about to give birth to my first child so I think this pump would be very useful to have. I'm also enjoying everyone's great tips. I'll be checking back to see what others write!
ReplyDeleteHere's my daily comment for 12/25/09
ReplyDeleteI especially think breast is best in an age where bad milk and nursing products from China are being recalled. I know that that doesn't mean that all products are bad or dangerous, certainly not. What it does mean to me is that we need to be extra careful to make sure our child has the best possible nursing care we can give her (it's a girl) :D
My nursing tip is to be sure to pump every few hours to keep milk production up.
ReplyDeleteJeanette Huston
My best nursing tip is to forget all the tips and "advise" that everyone and their mother feel obligated to give you and to just go with your own mothering instinct.
ReplyDeleteAt least thats where I am when it comes to the arrival of my second baby due very soon.
My girl says her favorite nursing tip is to make it enjoyable, and to have fun with it. While she says it will already be enjoyable to bond with our child that way, it should also be made enjoyable in the sense that it should be a game, if that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteeat for two
ReplyDeleteMy best tip is take the time to relish in the quiet moments of nursing. It is a bond you can never replace. Thanks for the chance.
Another important thing I think my girl and I agree on about nursing is that when the baby is satisfied and has had her fill, that the mom should save any extra milk she has into a bottle so that daddy and mommy can share it, together. It might sound funny on the face of it, but this can be a sensual treat for the two of us, given the right circumstances :)
ReplyDeleteI would say don't stress about it. With my son I remember being so nervous. we live in a small town and there were honestly no classes or any help. It made it extremely hard and I stressed so much. Stressing only seems to make it so much harder.
ReplyDeleteMy best tip is to invest in a boppy pillow. Or even a few of them, one for each room. These have been lifesavers on my back with my previous 5 kids, and already have two of them ready to go with my daughter, due in April.
ReplyDeletedrink enough fluids
ReplyDeleteOne thing that I think is important is to continue to follow your body's instincts for what to eat next. Granted, cravings come and cravings go, but if your body is telling you something you should eat or drink, I would go with that instinct, barring stuff that might be harmful to the baby, like alcohol and such.
ReplyDeleteToday's Entry
(I also forgot to add "Today's Entry" to the above entries :) Sorry)
chocolate helps
ReplyDeleteWhen I was breast feeding I was in pain at first..A wonderful nurse gave me these jelly looking disc that were cool to touch and they stuck where they were suppose to..These disc were a life saver and awesome..
I would love to win this giveaway because I'm currently pregnant with my first child and trying to stock up on baby supplies. =]
My girl said that her mother told her that pain sometimes occurs when breastfeeding and that it usually is nothing to worry about :D
ReplyDeleteNot the greatest of advice, but it certainly is something :)
Today's entry! =]
Today's entry!
ReplyDeleteLansinoh lanolin ointment helps cracked nipples
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this for my step-daughter! This is her first baby and it would be a great gift for her.
ReplyDeleteMy breast feeding tip is to be prepared for accidental leaks. I found out quickly with my first child that just the sound of a baby crying could cause leads so always where nursing pads when out in public to avoid embarrassing wet spots. This would be a thrill to win for when my daughter is born in Feb!
ReplyDeletelisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Today's entry!
ReplyDeletetodays entry
I had a horrible time breastfeeding (I couldn't produce enough milk) so all of these tips are great for me. The one thing I did learn was to invest in a good nursing bra and wear nursing pads in case of leaks.
Best nursing tip - for first timers, seek out help from your doc or La Leche League. I did not have someone to show me the ropes with the first kiddo and wished I had. Stick with it.
ReplyDeletemy tip: do what feels right for you and your baby. i was so hung up on what the books and the lactation consultants told me a "good latch" should look like, that i failed in nursing my first 3 babies! with my 4th i was like "ya know, this doesn't hurt and she is eating just fine, let's try it this way" now 6 months later she is still exclusively breastfed!
ReplyDeleteDaily entry. Thanks!
ReplyDeletelisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Breastfeeding is also an excellent opportunity to practice good posture. While so many of us sit at computers for so long, we tend to forget how important it is to sit with our backs straight, upright.
ReplyDeletetoday's entry
ReplyDeleteI don't have any tips because my baby isn't due until the end of January, but I plan on breast feeding and could really use this!
ReplyDeleteegreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
My best tip is to realize that it may take a bit to get used to breastfeeding and to not give up too easily. Thanks for the chance...this would be great for my sister!
My best tip would be don't give up it gets easier :)
ReplyDeleteMy girl tells me to not be afraid to breastfeed in public, where it's legal. It is here, so she is planning on doing that if baby needs to be fed.
ReplyDeletemillions of mothers have been breastfeeding for thousands of years. It's natural.
ReplyDeletetoday's entry
don't have any nursing tips yet..my baby is due in march, and i would really like to win it so that i can pump and give my husband the opportunity to feed out little one :)
I'd love to win this for my sister! She is expecting her first baby and it would be so helpful to her to have this so could pump before she goes to work. Thank you!!
Count me in! I need one of these!
ReplyDeleteCherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
My best nursing tip is to not get frustrated. Just enjoy the bond with your child.
I would love to win this. We are trying to get pregnant. My daughter had so many formula allergies that I will definitely breast feed this time!
ReplyDeletewe are ttc so i really would like to win this!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win because I'm due in three weeks and I'm determined to nurse this time!
ReplyDeleteI want to win because we are trying to concieve our second little one, and I would love to breastfeed this time around!
My best nursing tip is to nurse, period! Don't think that you can't or that it's too much of a hassle, and if it starts off rocky keep trying! It will work out, and it is so important for your little one.
ReplyDeleteGet a Boppy!! They definantly help.
ReplyDeleteMake sure to get your baby to empty your breasts at each feeding. I have twins so now it's even easier to do LOL
ReplyDeleteDon't try to nurse when your in a hurry! Plan ahead and make sure you have a stock pile