Is your home a bit musty? Do you need to freshen up your routine? I've recently been able to review a pretty cool, natural product that you can take with you anywhere!
Herban Essentials has a line of disposable towelettes that are soaked in essential oils, and are good for a variety of uses. I sampled both the Orange Towelettes and the Assorted Towelettes (contains some of the lavendar, lemon, and peppermint) and put them to use in my home. Here's what we found:
Orange rocks! These naturally antiseptic and antibacterial wipes are super strong! You can use them to clean your hands on the go (leaving your hands smelling awesome and super-moisturized) or you can wipe down icky surfaces that you encouter on your daily duties (like the handles of shopping carts.) I love the they are individually-wrapped, so you can toss a few into your purse, diaper bag, or the glove box of the car. I have also found them to be energizing and effective against musty odors (I tucked one into the vent of my air-purifying tower fan right before guests arrived, and they commented on how lovely my home smelled!)
The assorted pack is great for everything! You probably already know that lavendar is a calming scent, but you can use it for so many things:
Inhale and stash under your pillow (I put it inside a folded-over piece of wax paper to keep the oil from staining my pillow case) to create pleasant sleep.
Put one in your tub or on the floor of a hot shower for calming evening cleanse.
Use it as a baby wipe (yes, they work well to clean and keep diaper rash at bay!)
I can't even begin to tell you all the ways you can use the other oils, but basically, anything you can use natural oils for, you can use the wipe for, too!
Handy and convenient, they are so much more practical than toting around messy vials of expensive oils. (How devestated would you be to lose or drop a bottle of essential oils, anyway.) Just grab a towelette to use just as you would your normal oil -- without the fuss!
There are many other towelettes in the Herban Essentials line, including those specifically for pets and yoga fans! Get all the details at their site.
* Samples were received to help facilitate this review.
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