Looking for Baby Giveaways?

(No, we're not giving away babies....)  

When I first started Lille Punkin' Reviews, we were solely focused on items that parents of young children -- especially babies -- could use.  Now, our family has grown, and so has our focus.  I get asked often how parents can find giveaways that can help them win items for their new babies.  

Many sites on the internet list national sweepstakes, blog giveaways, and Facebook/Twitter contests that parents can enter and win.  I've discussed some of the best sites for finding these, as well as tips for entering and winning, in these two articles:

6 Ways to Win Free Stuff from Blog Giveaways 
Sweeping 101: What the Real Winners Know

(My own experience as a sweepstakes entrant has brought me many prizes, including trips, cash, spa visits, a private movie screening, and electronics!)

In the meantime, we will be working hard to bring back the baby giveaways.  We know you love em, and we want to keep you informed of all the exciting baby products on the market -- and how you can win them for your own little one!

Check out all of our current giveaways while you're here!
