Share Your Feedback on Pet Food Purchasing

Are you picky about your pet's food?  Do you buy... whatever?

Walmart wants to hear what you think on this topic:
We know how important dogs are to every family that has them, and we know about the importance of keeping them happy and healthy.  We want to find out a little more about what you look for when you shop for dog food.  We want to know what is most important to you and what helps you take the best care of your dog.  Please provide us feedback on this topic by taking this quick 5 minute multiple choice survey.  Thanks!
The link to the survey is HERE.  Now is your chance to give your opinion and know that Walmart is listening!

*I am a participant in the Walmart Moms program. Walmart has provided me with compensation for my time on this post. Participation in this program is voluntary. As always, all opinions are 100% my own.
