Back to School DIY - Decorate Sneakers

Our original assignment from Walmart was to decorate a backpack.  The problem was that we homeschool, and while we do carry things from place to place, my daughter doesn't use a backpack, and the ones she uses are preprinted with patterns.  Trying to find a "blank canvas"she would approve of was difficult for this 13-year-old, so we opted for a DIY decorate your shoes project.

We started with some plain white canvas shoes.  (Selection may vary, but you can get several different styles and colors at any Walmart retailer or online at  We also provided her with an ample supply of Sharpie markers.

Here is the before:

And the after:

She loved decorating her shoes with her favorite bands and inspirational messages.  Isn't the checkerboard pattern on the toes adorable?

This is a very affordable project that you can do with your kids for less than $15 a child.  Once you invest in the cost of the Sharpie markers, you can buy the shoes for each kid for much less.

Do you have any fun back-to-school DIY ideas?

*I am a participant in the Walmart Moms program. Walmart has provided me with compensation for my time on this post. Participation in this program is voluntary. As always, all opinions are 100% my own.
