Review of Dassant Baking Mixes

"I would bake more if I had the time."

Is this something that you've said to yourself, maybe when you know you should bake more, but just don't feel up to it?

I recently tried a line of super scrumptious baking mixes from Dassant.  These made baking so easy, and I really couldn't tell that they weren't homemade.  My favorite from the line was the Vanilla Pound Cake, and I mixed it up with some eggs, water, and oil for a just-baked pound cake treat that my kids and hubby loved!

I served the cake with lemon curd, while the kids opted to have ice cream with it, too.  I really found it to be moist, and it had a nice buttery and crunchy outside that I LOVE about pound cake.

This mix isn't as indulgent as some homemade cakes that contain loads of butter, but I actually enjoyed it more.  Knowing that it didn't have as much fat as my own recipe helped me to have a second piece!

The Vanilla Pound Cake is just one of many mixes offered by Dassant.  Other favorite kinds include their Beer Bread and Lemon Cake!  Learn more at their website, on Twitter, and Facebook! (Their website is full of positive reviews for all of their mixes, plus helpful serving suggestions.)

*Product samples received to review.  Opinions are 100% my own.
