No one would ever believe that I run a full-time media company out of my home (especially if they got a glimpse of my desk!) I was horrified to see how the busy holidays had left my workspace. It was dusty, cluttered, and the piles --- they were ready to collapse! After fighting the piles for months (I tried folders, trays, and minimizing my paper trail), I realized that it was time to embrace my piles with the proper organizational gear. I headed to to order what I needed.
Here is my desk before. (Shocking... I know.)
I started by going through all my papers and putting them into three piles:
1) Household (bills, statements, etc.)
2) My business (press releases, items to review, tax info)
3) Research (magazines, clippings, and ideas for future posts and my book)
I placed each pile into a new Household Essentials Coffee Linen Tapered Bin. These come in two sizes, and I used the smaller size to hold my stuff.
I then used a Swiffer Duster with Febreze to get all the dust off my desk. I had to move around everything, and I was careful to get the fan vents on my PC, as well. (Gross!) I have a modern desk with a "distressed" finish, meaning it just looks dirty and dusty all the time...
I also wanted to discourage any more "trash" on my desk, so I put a new Rolodex Wastebasket underneath that I bought from
Now, with the printer moved to the side, all my stuff in three organized bins, and a place for my trash, I'm set up for many more clutter-free days.
My office will never be the picture-perfect office you see in a magazine (as you can see from the white paint on the wall, we just put in a new window, and the entire home is continually being updated.)
I can tell, however, that my new plan is working. After a week with my new system, my desk is almost as clean as it was on Day 1. I no longer fight piles, I just deal with them responsibly. Knowing your personality is as important in keeping organized as having the right tools!

As a participant in the Walmart Moms Program, I've received compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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