I really do enjoy my morning toast. It's something that I use as a way to try new fruits, spreads, and jellies, and the more natural and delicious the topping, the better!
Santa Cruz Organic sent me two fruit spreads to try, and, I must say, they were very sweet! The mango was more of a jam consistency, while the concord grape was like a very thick syrup (like the jelly I make). While I'm not usually a big fan of mango, the spread was not strong. It was sugary and almost tasted like an orange marmalade!
Because they are mild, anyone who likes a sweet spread should adore these. If you require organic choices in your breakfast pantry, these store well, come in pretty jars, and keep in the fridge for weeks after opening. (If you are like me, however, they'll be eaten well before then.)
Find these two fruit spreads from Santa Cruz Organics at their website!
*Samples received. Opinions are 100% my own.
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