Responsible money management skills are one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. It is our job, as parents to teach our children how to budget our money, save for items we want, and plan for the future. There are many ways that we can ( and should) do this, including investing in some of the best money books for kids, to add to your home library!
We can provide opportunities to learn about money as well by
taking our children shopping with us. We can provide them an allowance and require
them to complete chores around the house. We can play games that teach about money. And we can provide books for them to learn from and discuss
further with us.
Best Money Books for Kids
There are many great books that teach about money, earning
money, budgeting money, and much more. Here are a few to have in your library.
Berenstain Bears' Trouble with Money - Stan
and Jan Berenstain have written dozens of books on topics that are important to
children. They provide a great platform for teaching lessons and providing
children with the reassurance that they can get through difficult times. In Trouble
with Money, Brother and Sister must learn how to manage their money better
rather than spending it as soon as they get it.
A similar book, although not as good as Trouble with
Money, is Berenstain Bears' Dollars and Sense In Dollars and Sense, children will learn how
Brother and Sister Bear learned to manage their money after Mother and Father
Bear begin to pay their allowance differently.
Alexander, Who Use to Be Rich, Last Sunday –
Judith Viorst writes a great series of books about Alexander who often times
has a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day” and even refuses when his
parents tell him it is time to move. My favorite in this series is “Alexander,
Who Use to Be Rich, Last Sunday.” Children will follow along with Alexander as
he spends and loses his great wealth. This is something all children (and most
adults) can relate to and will be a great place to start talking about
Lawn Boy and LawnBoy Returns – These books by Gary Paulsen are
fun books to read. They are written about the 4th grade reading
level and would be especially interesting for boys. This comedic tale of twelve
year old boy who suddenly finds himself the new owner of a lawnmower and a
budding business will also teach children a lesson in ingenuity, small
businesses and investing.
Lunch Money – Andrew Clements has a gift for
tackling important issues that kids face at school. In Lunch Money he addresses
one young boy's obsession with money while teaching the readers about running a
small business, being selfish, cooperation and teamwork. Kids will enjoy this
book and parents can use it to talk about money in a different way.
The Lemonade War – This book by Jacqueline
Davies is a funny, realistic story with well-developed characters that children
can relate to. It tackles real-life problems like sibling rivalry, teamwork,
getting along with peers, and even business marketing. This is a great read for
children in grades 3-6 and is the beginning of a series that tackles more life
lessons, like the legal system.
No matter what the age of your child, there are many books
available to teach them about earning money, budgeting, investing, and saving.
This is just a small list of some of the great options out there. The most vital part of this is list is to discuss (As a
teacher, I must also say; read, read, read with your children!) all aspects of
financial literacy with your children.
Jessica Streit is an educator, freelance writer and single mom of 2 boys. Her writing can be found on a variety of topics including personal finance, education and parenting. She blogs about overcoming debt and living a royal life on a budget at The Debt Princess.
Love these. I haven't read any of them. I will be though, my daughters are earning more money now. One is keen to spend it all!
ReplyDeleteThe Berenstain Bears were my FAVORITE growing up! I think your children will love them!