The holidays can be a fun time but there are also many travel and home dangers that are often overlooked. The #Safety1st Twitter Chat will be designed to be a place for us to share tips on how to keep the holidays safe and happy. We'll also discuss the best ways to keep the family happy and healthy when driving to all of your holiday destinations -- like Grandma's house! (Stay tuned for a car seat review of the onBoard™35 Air Infant Car Seat that may give you some extra ideas!)
I will be joined by some great bloggers as we chat about how we use Safety 1st products to help us be prepared for the unexpected during this crazy time of year.
They include:
Christine at From Dates to Diapers, Lisa at Growing Your Baby, Kristen at Our Ordinary Life and Jacqueline at Blessings Abound Mommy!
You could win prizes, and one winner will get the car seat of their choice!
What do you hope to learn during the chat? Bring your best safety-related questions to the event; expert Julie Vallese will be on hand to answer them! (Follow Safety1st, as well, to be sure you don't miss a thing!)
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