3-Ingredient Chocolate Strawberry Tarteletts

Whether you've got a birthday coming up, are putting on a fancy tea, or just want to celebrate summer with something stunning, it's sometimes necessary to put out a special dessert for a crowd -- even with no time to dedicate to baking.

This super-simple recipe is an idea I had for using fresh strawberries and really came out beautifully.  The kids, hubby, and I had no trouble finishing these off.  They take less than an hour to make (30 minutes of that is baking and cooling time) and use just three ingredients.

To make them, you will need:
  • Fresh strawberries
  • Frozen pastry cups
  • Chocolate pudding
While you can certainly whip up some instant pudding, you can also cheat and make this a truly 3-ingredient dish by using 2 pre-made pudding cups.

There is really little to this recipe.  Bake the pastry cups according to the package directions.  Remember that they should be frozen when you bake them, and don't overbake.  When you are done, the dough will go from this:

To this:

You will want to push down the little circles in the middle of the cups with the end of a wooden spoon handle.  Then, let them cool fully before proceeding.

Now, you can fill each one with chocolate pudding.  You can either use a plastic bag with the corner cut off to "pipe" the pudding in.  (Or, a frosting piping tube, if you're super fancy like that.)  I just used a baby food spoon.  Yep, because I'm NOT fancy like that....

All that's left is to carefully place some freshly diced strawberry on the top of the cups. Make sure you press them firmly into the pudding so that they stay put.  Give each cup a good pile of berries.

You're done! This is really a very easy dessert that would look great on a graduation table, baby shower centerpiece, or another special event spread.

Strawberries are just one berry you could use here.  Blackberries or raspberries could work, as well.  You can also switch out the chocolate pudding for vanilla or lemon!  

Want a frugal berry tip?  When you are preparing the strawberries to dice, go ahead and slice off the top of the berry (where the stem is), but don't throw it away!  Put them into a freezer bag and store until the next time you make a smoothie or baked goods.  Then, you can take them out, cut around the green part, and toss the berry bits into your recipe.  No waste, and fresh berry flavor when you want it!
