I never thought I would be one of THOSE families. The ones with a bunch of cell phones. As my kids age, and we find ourselves traveling more, however, having at least 3 phones in the family is becoming necessary. When I first started using a smartphone in 2009, contracts were the ONLY way to go. Now, we have many more choices, and even the best plans can be month-to-month.
Walmart's GoPhone options are very competitive, offering a variety of the latest models of phones that run on AT&T's service. You can refill your phone with a month of service, either by buying a refill card, or refilling it directly from your phone. For $45, you get unlimited talk, text, and 1GB of data of the 4G LTE network. You can also purchase extra data; for $10, you'll get an additional 100 MB for browsing the web or using your favorite apps.
We tried out this service with the new HTC Desire 610. It's a pretty slick model, and it has all of the features we want in a smart-phone, including seamless integration with our Google apps. (Or, "my world" as I call it. I have a Blogger Blog, so using this phone made everything easier as a blogger.) It comes with everything you see here, and the SIM card was simple to install.
Check out the video to see the full details on what this phone has to offer:
Would I use this phone and service for myself in the future? You bet. If you are tired of contracts, I can say that this is a great alternative. If you already have an AT&T phone, and you are aware of the coverage areas, it's a sure-thing for saving money. Since you can also use your data plan with up to 10 devices through the mobile hot-spot feature, it can be a great buy for your whole family -- even those who don't use cell phones yet!
Visit your local Walmart for all the details, including additional plan options.

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