Wow. I can certainly tell I'm getting old. Why? Well, change is hard for me. Revamps of all the old flicks I loved as a kid are popping up each and every year. For the most part, they pale in comparison to the memories of my childhood. But when there is an exception, I get very, very excited!
The new Annie movie is one of those bold exceptions. I knew it from the first time I saw the trailer. The cast, the music, and the unique spin was enough to keep things different... but not so different I didn't recognize it as Annie.
But will your kids like it? I think yes! Here are 4 reasons why:
2. Miss Hannigan. Played by Cameron Diaz, the villain of the story (or maybe not) is a has-been pop star who would rather sing and flirt with men than take her foster care duties seriously. She parties. She yells. But she's not quite as terrifying as the original Miss Hannigan. And this is a good thing for today's kids, as they can actually enjoy some of the more tense moments (rather than hide behind the chair as I did when young.)
3. The modern updates. Technology rules the day for kids, it seems, and Annie has embraced her lavish lifestyle since living with Mr. Stacks (the new version of Daddy Warbucks.) While we oohed and awed at the marble floors and winding staircases, today's kids will be wooed by flat screen TV's and digital wizardry.
4. The ending. Without spoiling too much, I can tell you that this version has much more redemption than the first. When you can walk away feeling neat and tidy about the ending, your kids can, too. And that's a rare thing in today's film world.
This truly family-friendly film was a surprisingly well-done sequel. The fresh take on the relationship between Annie and her adoptive father never leaves the true spirit of the film behind. Parents can feel good about even their littlest ones taking in a family movie night with this on the screen.
Can't wait to see it? Walmart has an extra-special buy for you! You can purchase the Annie exclusive Blu-ray & DVD gift set with Sandy plush dog only in-stores or on for just $24.96! (There's even a code to claim the Digital HD version inside the case.) The tiny little pooch is so soft and cuddly -- it didn't take long for Manny to claim it for himself!
As a participant in the Walmart Moms Program, I've received compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Links to shopping sites may be referral links.
The new Annie movie is one of those bold exceptions. I knew it from the first time I saw the trailer. The cast, the music, and the unique spin was enough to keep things different... but not so different I didn't recognize it as Annie.
But will your kids like it? I think yes! Here are 4 reasons why:
1. The music. Yes, the old songs we love are still there, including "Hard Knock Life" and "Little Girls." They have a slightly poppier feel, but they are still very recognizable. What kids should really enjoy, however, are some of the original songs for the soundtrack. "Opportunity" will leave a lump in your throat and will never leave you.. or your kids.. for days. (It may be the next "Let It Go", in my opinion.)
2. Miss Hannigan. Played by Cameron Diaz, the villain of the story (or maybe not) is a has-been pop star who would rather sing and flirt with men than take her foster care duties seriously. She parties. She yells. But she's not quite as terrifying as the original Miss Hannigan. And this is a good thing for today's kids, as they can actually enjoy some of the more tense moments (rather than hide behind the chair as I did when young.)
3. The modern updates. Technology rules the day for kids, it seems, and Annie has embraced her lavish lifestyle since living with Mr. Stacks (the new version of Daddy Warbucks.) While we oohed and awed at the marble floors and winding staircases, today's kids will be wooed by flat screen TV's and digital wizardry.
4. The ending. Without spoiling too much, I can tell you that this version has much more redemption than the first. When you can walk away feeling neat and tidy about the ending, your kids can, too. And that's a rare thing in today's film world.
This truly family-friendly film was a surprisingly well-done sequel. The fresh take on the relationship between Annie and her adoptive father never leaves the true spirit of the film behind. Parents can feel good about even their littlest ones taking in a family movie night with this on the screen.
Can't wait to see it? Walmart has an extra-special buy for you! You can purchase the Annie exclusive Blu-ray & DVD gift set with Sandy plush dog only in-stores or on for just $24.96! (There's even a code to claim the Digital HD version inside the case.) The tiny little pooch is so soft and cuddly -- it didn't take long for Manny to claim it for himself!
Your kids can continue to live the magic of a family united with some free printables, including coloring sheets, paper dolls, song lyrics, and more! There's lots to do together....

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