*This is a sponsored post done in partnership with Pampers. All advice and opinions are my own.
After six babies, I'm still learning new things, but there are a few tips that I wished someone had told me with number one. And number two....
And while no mom can expect to be perfect, there are definitely handy hints to parenting that can be valuable for everyone, no matter how young or inexperienced they are!
My top five tips for new moms are as follows:
1. You will forget everything you have read, but that's what other moms are for. There is no substitution to a listening ear, a mom who can listen to you freak out about baby's fever or nursing issues and who will tell you everything will be OK. I read all the baby books with my kids, but none were as reassuring as another mom just telling me to relax (and then giving me some very good advice when I needed it.) Make friends with other moms, or check in with your family for advice when you want it. And don't feel bad if you don't end up using any of it.
2. Babies grow up really, really fast. Don't blink. Lucky for most new moms, sleep is a very rare occurrence. So instead of complaining that you don't get enough time to yourself, take those late nights with all the tears as a chance to study your baby's face and really remember what those tiny first days are like. They really do disappear before you know it, and you'll be wanting them back in no time.
3. Ask for help (even from Dad!) While Moms think they can do everything better, there are times when you'll need to get a helping hand, even from someone who isn't mom. Dads are great at cuddling babies, helping with meals (even if you nurse), and just giving you a shoulder rub or a glass of wine. If you're feeling a bit crazy, just let your partner know. You might find that they have some good ideas for helping out!
4. Babies are super demanding. They want, want, want. They can make you think that they are terribly selfish creatures (because they are.) And it's OK to think that you can't handle any more crying or nursing or diapers. It's OK to think "what about me?" This is where it's great to refer back to tip #1 or #2 or #3. And realize that for the first few weeks, they really aren't going to give much back except for just being adorable.
5. Every baby is different. They don't look alike. They don't act alike. So don't think --even for a moment -- that, because you took care of your sister's kid that you have ANY idea what this baby is like. I have FIVE, couldn't-be-any-different boys. They surprise me with how much they are not anything like the other. Cherish their differences and get to know this totally unique little person. You'll be delighted to relate to all their tiny little characteristics that make them so much their own person.
But, I promise you that the moments -- those FIRST moments -- are going to be so special! Here's a sweet video that made me cry the first time I saw it, made by the folks at Pampers..
Isn't that the best? There are so many #PampersFirsts I remember with all my babies. I'm so happy now that #6 is getting to be almost 16 months, because the Pampers Swaddlers diapers are now available for bigger babies -- up to size 6! That means I can wrap my little guy up in the same softness that I did when he was a newborn, wearing the tiny Pampers Swaddlers that I bring all my babies home from the hospital in!
Learn more about Pampers Swaddlers, as well as share in your baby's firsts via the #PampersFirsts website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts!
After six babies, I'm still learning new things, but there are a few tips that I wished someone had told me with number one. And number two....
And while no mom can expect to be perfect, there are definitely handy hints to parenting that can be valuable for everyone, no matter how young or inexperienced they are!
My top five tips for new moms are as follows:
1. You will forget everything you have read, but that's what other moms are for. There is no substitution to a listening ear, a mom who can listen to you freak out about baby's fever or nursing issues and who will tell you everything will be OK. I read all the baby books with my kids, but none were as reassuring as another mom just telling me to relax (and then giving me some very good advice when I needed it.) Make friends with other moms, or check in with your family for advice when you want it. And don't feel bad if you don't end up using any of it.
2. Babies grow up really, really fast. Don't blink. Lucky for most new moms, sleep is a very rare occurrence. So instead of complaining that you don't get enough time to yourself, take those late nights with all the tears as a chance to study your baby's face and really remember what those tiny first days are like. They really do disappear before you know it, and you'll be wanting them back in no time.
3. Ask for help (even from Dad!) While Moms think they can do everything better, there are times when you'll need to get a helping hand, even from someone who isn't mom. Dads are great at cuddling babies, helping with meals (even if you nurse), and just giving you a shoulder rub or a glass of wine. If you're feeling a bit crazy, just let your partner know. You might find that they have some good ideas for helping out!
4. Babies are super demanding. They want, want, want. They can make you think that they are terribly selfish creatures (because they are.) And it's OK to think that you can't handle any more crying or nursing or diapers. It's OK to think "what about me?" This is where it's great to refer back to tip #1 or #2 or #3. And realize that for the first few weeks, they really aren't going to give much back except for just being adorable.
5. Every baby is different. They don't look alike. They don't act alike. So don't think --even for a moment -- that, because you took care of your sister's kid that you have ANY idea what this baby is like. I have FIVE, couldn't-be-any-different boys. They surprise me with how much they are not anything like the other. Cherish their differences and get to know this totally unique little person. You'll be delighted to relate to all their tiny little characteristics that make them so much their own person.
But, I promise you that the moments -- those FIRST moments -- are going to be so special! Here's a sweet video that made me cry the first time I saw it, made by the folks at Pampers..
Isn't that the best? There are so many #PampersFirsts I remember with all my babies. I'm so happy now that #6 is getting to be almost 16 months, because the Pampers Swaddlers diapers are now available for bigger babies -- up to size 6! That means I can wrap my little guy up in the same softness that I did when he was a newborn, wearing the tiny Pampers Swaddlers that I bring all my babies home from the hospital in!
Did you know that Pampers® Swaddlers
are also the #1 choice of hospitals in North America* and the first diaper worn by millions of babies. They offer over 12 hours of wetness protection, and I love the little yellow line that runs down the front and back, letting parents know when baby is wet. This means no more waking up a happily sleeping baby to check for wetness. You can see -- at a glance -- if baby needs changed.
Do you use Pampers Swaddlers with your little ones? What do you like BEST about them? You can now review these diapers at the official Pampers website to be a help to other moms looking for the best diapers for their babies. I left a review myself!
Learn more about Pampers Swaddlers, as well as share in your baby's firsts via the #PampersFirsts website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts!
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