What I'm Doing Today (10.31.15)

I have been blogging here at Lille Punkin since 2006, when it started out solely as a review site. Since then, I've added homeschooling tips, crafts, recipes, and updates on our garden and farm. I still continue to do reviews, but I love sharing more useful tricks with my community (some who have been visiting daily for years!)

I thought I would take this time to check in with you and tell you what's going on in my life, and how it's changed since I started. It's a good opportunity to catch you up on things so that you know why we pick the topics we pick, the sponsors we partner with, and why thing have been so busy!

We now have SIX kids. Our daughter, the oldest, just got her driver's license. We are looking at colleges and figuring out ways to save for her ideal school.

My oldest son, now 12, is heavy into programming and the arts. We have been focusing much of his homeschool on beginning programming with sites like Khan Academy and Tynker. He's loving it!

The next two boys are learning together, even though they are a few years apart. They are best buddies, and they enjoy nature and building their tree forts outside.

My preschooler is still a cuddle bug, but he wants to learn to read. Today. He has been pushing himself to sound out words, as he hates being left behind by his older brothers.

The baby, now 2, is still keeping me up at night. Until he's fully weaned, I suppose he will. But he's quickly becoming a big boy, and I'm sure I'll soon miss those restless nights.

My husband and I continue to work from home. He handles all of our garden and farm work, including our dozens of hens. He is remodeling our home and a rental we own, as well. It's hard work maintaining everything from leaky pipes to cars.

I keep blogging here at Lille Punkin, as well as freelance writing jobs and social media consulting.  I am also hard at work sharing work-at-home tips over at 1099mom. I strive to share everything from how to start a franchise business to how to find freelance writing jobs for beginners. I encourage you to check out the site if you are hoping to build a career from home like I have!

Thanks for checking in and being part of our community here. If we can cover a topic of interest to you, please let us know in the comments, or check out our Facebook page. We love all of you!
