Join Us for the World Vision Global 6K for Water on May 6th (Giveaway) {EXPIRED}

I often get up in the middle of the night, very thirsty. I grumble, because I'm so tired, and walking the few feet to my kitchen seems like such a hassle. But I really shouldn't be complaining.

Did you know? The average distance that people in the developing world travel for water each day is 3.7 miles? And most of the people making the journey are women and young girls. This must be such an overwhelming task at times! In addition to being exhausting, the path to clean water can be dangerous, and the water may be anything but clean and healthy.

What's worse is that nearly 1,000 children die each day from diarrhea caused by contaminated water and hygiene issues. These kids are under age 5. This is something that, as a mom, I can't wrap my head around, and it makes me terribly, terribly sad.

Join the World Vision Global 6K for Water on May 6th, and help make clean water a reality for today's kids!

Instead of feeling helpless, I know that are people in place right now that just need support to change things. That's why I'm so excited to share the news about World Vision Global 6K for Water. So many of my friends are doing dashes, runs, crawls, and walks, but this is so much different. 

When: Saturday, May 6, 2017
What: 40,000 people worldwide will walk or run 6 kilometers to raise awareness for global water issues
How much: $50 - the small fee supports World Vision's water programs
You'll receive: a Global 6K for Water T-shirt (shown below) and a race bib with a photo of a child that is eligible to be sponsored, as well as a race medal!

Join the World Vision Global 6K for Water on May 6th, and help make clean water a reality for today's kids!

You can register for a 6K at a site near you. (There are BIGGER events happening in certain cities, as well.)

But there are other ways to get involved, too!

  • Become a Global 6K Host Site: It's free to join forces with your church, school, or community organization to become a host site. You'll spread the word about this fun and important initiative, and you'll receive the support of World Vision through materials, race day sign ups, and staff.

  • Start a Global 6K Virtual Team: Don't have a place to race? You can set up a virtual team with friends and family. Invite them via social media and snap selfies as you walk! You can even do this race from your home treadmill or gym! 

  • Turn Coffee into Clean Water: I don't drink lattes, but I know a lot of people who do. What could you do if you skipped the expensive drink and put that change into the hands of a child you needed clean water? Making this one switch could put as much as $250 a year into the  World Vision’s water programs!

  • Change a Life Through Child Sponsorship: Water is just one of the many complicated pressures affecting kids today. It takes many people and programs to ensure a healthy, holistic environment that is safe and nurturing. Kids need a chance to grow up. Sponsoring a child puts all the pieces in motion to ensure this happens. Poverty is complex and rarely solved by one intervention. In addition to clean water through new or renovated wells, school fees and supplies, better education due to restored schools and teacher training, improved nutrition due to agricultural training, and healthcare clinics and immunizations come with the sponsorship of a child.

Join the World Vision Global 6K for Water on May 6th, and help make clean water a reality for today's kids!

Why support clean water through World Vision?
World Vision believes the global water and sanitation crisis can be solved within our lifetime. World Vision provides a new person with clean water every 30 seconds as part of a full solution to end poverty. In 2015, World Vision provided access to clean water to 2.3 million people, and the organization’s goal is to provide clean water and sanitation to one new person every 10 seconds by 2020.

Learn more about World Vision and how they are helping people globally, ever day at their Facebook page, Twitter, and their water programs website

Wanna Win? We really hope you take the time to register for the 6K, but we want all of our readers to feel involved. We are giving away a t-shirt and water bottle from the event to one lucky reader! To be entered to win, just use the form below by April 20th at 11:59 pm EST. Open to U.S. residents only.

*I received a gift from World Vision for sharing this important program. Opinions are my own.

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