Join Stonyfield YoKids Organic and Protect a Penguin!

Thanks to Stonyfield Organic for partnering with us to share this important message!

We are so excited to be heading to the Henry Doorly Zoo tomorrow. It's one of our favorite destionations in the Omaha area, and it's the best zoo in the world!

If you haven't taken your child to a zoo lately, it's a great time to do so. Not only are there so many reasons why visiting a zoo in the fall and winter is fantastic, but it's the best opportunity to teach your child about animal extinction and the steps we can take to protect our animals friends.

Last year Stonyfield (the yogurt people) became a sponsor of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums SAFE program (Saving Animals from Extinction) to help educate kids and their families about endangered animals. This year, they are expanding their message by joining together with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to teach even more kids!

How can you help? For every dollar you donate to the cause, Stonyfield Organic will match it -- up to $125,000. The money raised will be used to send kids to America’s AZA accredited Zoos and Aquariums for a day! The experience of visiting a zoo is often one of the most impactful things a kid will experience, and it is something that will make a big difference in their understanding of nature, the science, and their world!

The campaign is going on now through November 6th, so you have time to participate. If you know anything about the  Boys & Girls Clubs of America, you know that they are committed to changing the lives of young people. It’s been found that almost twice as many Club members in eighth, 10th and 12th grades volunteer at least monthly in comparison to their peers nationally. Statistics also show that every dollar invested in Boys & Girls Clubs returns $9.60 in current and future earnings and cost savings to their community.

Ready to help? You can learn more and make a donation to this program here.

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