Do Your Thing by Melissa Camara Wilkins: A Book Review

By Melissa Batai

Are you tired of trying to juggle everything—caring for and playing with your children, keeping up the house, doing dishes, cooking meals, doing your work? Do you collapse at the end of the day, exhausted, and find yourself thinking that another predictable, boring day has passed? Do you longingly think of the fun things you used to do before you had so many “adult” responsibilities?
If so, then you’ll likely benefit from Melissa Camara Wilkins’ book, Do Your Thing: How to Make Time for All of the Things You Were Made to Do .

About Wilkins

Melissa Camara Wilkins is a mom of six and a blogger, author, and speaker. She’s busy, like most of us are. However, she’s learned a trick—to focus on the things that bring her joy and make her feel alive, and she wants you to do the same.

About Do Your Thing

Do Your Thing is approximately 125 pages long and contains the following chapters:

1. Why This Book?
2. How Do You Do It All?
3. Do Your Thing
4. Follow Your Feelings
5. Know Who You Are
6. Know What You’re About
7. Do Less
8. Shake Things Up
9. Yes You Can
10. Remember This
11. How to Be You

There is a natural tendency when a woman has a career and has kids to lose herself in the busyness of life. I love to read, but for nearly 10 years when my kids were small, I didn’t read. I just didn’t have the time. I’m sure you have had an experience like this.

Wilkins, in a friendly, joking tone, wants to sit us down and talk to us, encourage us to find our passion again, to find the thing that makes us feel alive. Life is short. Why waste it being too busy to do the things that spark your passion?

The book is filled with thought-provoking quotes like when she explains the fallacy of women who do it all. Wilkins says, “I’m pretty sure the secret of ‘doing it all’ is that you don’t. You just do more of what matters to you, and less of everything else.”

Thoughts on the Book

This book will likely make you question your obligations. How many should you shed because they aren’t the right fit for you? What should you add to your schedule that makes you feel alive?
Wilkins has a fun, playful writing style, and it’s easy to feel like she’s sitting across the table from you trying to motivate you to live your best life.

However, I think the real strength of the book is when she gives personal examples of how she is working to live her best life and do more of the things that she enjoys. I wish the entire book had more personal examples. They help the reader see Wilkins’ strategies in action.

If you’re tired of everyday drudgery and want to feel energized and more like your old self, I recommend this book. Wilkins is inspiring and makes you want to find room in your life for the things that bring you joy. You can buy it here. 
