The Ultimate Guide to Once a Month Grocery Shopping by Joanie Boeckman: A Book Review

By Melissa Batai

How much time do you spend grocery shopping each week? Do you make one large trip and then a few fill-in trips? How much time are you spending at the grocery store over the course of a month? How many impulse buys do you make each time you enter the grocery store?

If you’re like many Americans, you shop once or twice a week, and you buy several impulse buys while you’re at the store. That alone is a good reason to try to cut down on the number of trips per month, but if you’re also very busy or you have young children, you have more reasons to try to grocery shop as little as possible.

Joanie Boeckman’s ebook, The Ultimate Guide to Once a Month Grocery Shopping: Save Time and Money with Less Trips to the Grocery Store , is designed to help you shop just once a month with one or two produce and milk fill-in trips throughout the month.

Boeckman is the blogger behind the blog, Simple Living Mama, and her mission is to help women simplify their lives, homes, and homeschools. This ebook is one way she seeks to do that.


The contents of the book include:
  • Introduction
  • Make a Master List of Meals
  • Inventory Your Pantry and Freezer
  • Making the Monthly Grocery List
  • Shopping Day! How to Pull It Off
  • Where to Store All of Your Food
  • How to Make Produce Last Longer
  • Meal Prepping
  • Conclusion

About the eBook

If you’ve always wanted to shop just once a month but are intimidated by the prospect, this ebook will help give you the confidence to do so.

Boeckman doesn’t just tell you how to plan for a once a month trip, but she gives you ideas and suggestions based on her own life. For instance, in “Make a Master List of Meals,” Boeckman suggests that you make a list of all of your family’s favorite meals, but then she takes it a step further by giving you all of her family’s favorite meals, many with links to the recipes to help you plan.

I appreciated her suggestions in “How to Make Produce Last Longer” because they included some tips I hadn’t thought of such as storing green onions in water in a glass jar and storing your greens in a glass jar because those plastic produce bags are the antithesis of long-lasting produce.


At the end of the ebook Boeckman includes several printables including:

  • Master List of Meals,
  • Pantry Inventory,
  • Freezer Inventory,
  • Monthly Meal Plan Calendar, and
  • Monthly Shopping List

If you’ve always wanted to shop once a month, this ebook will give you the push you need to just do it. And even if you don’t end up braving once a month shopping after reading this ebook, you’ll walk away with new recipes, food storage ideas, meal planning techniques, and some nice printables.
