Need an upgrade? All-New Bosch Counter-Depth Refrigerator

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Is it time to upgrade your fridge? How can you tell?

Does it stick out too far from your cabinetry, getting in the way of things and people and making it difficult to clean? Are you forever dealing with spoiled food because your fridge won't keep temp? Do you wish you had more adjustable storage for the type of food you buy and not what fridge designers think you should buy?

The new Bosch Counter-Depth refrigerator has many of these troubles solved. It has a stainless steel finish and matches all of your existing decor. Not only that, it's counter-depth, so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. It seamlessly blends in with your cabinets and counters so other things can be the star of the kitchen -- like that amazing granite countertop you just installed.

Amazing features

Let's talk about organization. With 5 tempered glass shelves (4 adjustable), you can store all those milks and keep two separate humidity-controlled compartments for things that need kept at different moisture levels. Less spoilage means more money saved over time.

Speaking of spoilage, did you know that the FarmFresh System™ uses four innovative technologies to keep your food fresh up to 3x longer, for less food wasted (compared to a Bosch fridge without the FarmFresh System™?) The features include:

  • VitaFreshPro™ offers preset settings that balance temperature and humidity, automatically
  • FreshProtect™absorbs naturally-occurring ethylene to slow ripening, so produce stays fresher, longer, and you don't have to put fruit in those fruit bags
  • MultiAirFlow™ evenly circulates cool, fresh air to maintain consistent temperatures throughout the entire fridge cavity. Fewer cool spots reduce the chance of having frozen berries and too-warm meats.
  • AirFresh® Filter absorbs even the toughest food odors, keeping your refrigerator and freezer air fresh. You can skip the messy baking soda!
Other cool features include the water filter. One button push lets your service know that it's time of them to send another one! (Wifi is needed for this service.)  Bosch UltraClarityPro™ water filter reduces >99.9% of sediments that could be in your water, including chlorine! That means better-tasting ice and water. 

See more, keep more

Oh, and you'll never lose another small jar of jelly again. The LED interior lighting is so pleasant and light, you'll see what you need the first time, without having to push everything around or take everything out to look for it.

Finally, since we all have little ones who open the fridge to see if there are any goodies in reach, you'll love that there's a door alarm! When the door is left open, it will make a noise, so you can shut the door, save money, and keep your food from losing temperature.

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