Football parties are so much fun! I'm not always the biggest sports fan, but -- with 4 boys and one husband in the house -- I can totally get behind the planning for a party! We center our gatherings around food and fun, but we must keep everything under budget, as well. Here are a few things we did at our game time party this year!
1) Personalized snacks. Everyone has their favorite snack, so instead of loading up on really expensive snack items, I let each child (and hubby) pick their favorite item.
Walmart has many Great Value versions of brand name treats, so we shave a little off the bill by buying them when we can. Top items at this year's party included:
- Great Value BBQ Kettle Chips (they taste BETTER than brand name)
- Orville Redenbacher Butter Pop-up Bowls (these always pop the most corn for the dollar!)
- Stouffer's Goldfish Crackers (these are the cheesiest!)
2. Grill INDOORS! We love burgers and brats and hot dogs, too! With it being so cold outside, however, I don't like to mess with the hassle and cost of propane for my grill. We use our Big Boss Oil-Less Fryer to "grill up" some miniature hot dogs in a glass dish, then serve them with ketchup and mustard for fun eating! These are always more popular than the traditional little hot dogs in sauce.
4. Decorate for function and fun. I loathe decorating for parties. To me, it seems wasteful to have to purchase items we'll use just one time, and then possibly throw away. For this game time party, I picked up all of my paper products at Walmart, then allowed the kids to decorate their own cups. Not only is it a great way to keep them busy, but it eliminates people drinking out of the wrong cup!
We also bought a Go Create Paint Your Own Football Kit. It contains everything you need to have kids paint a real football that they can play with later. I actually used Sharpie markers to personalize the football for the party, then I'll let the kids add some extra personality with the paint kit later.
Everything (absolutely everything) for our party can be purchased at Walmart. They even have a selection of team apparel for cheering on your faves! We look forward to these get-togethers as a way to celebrate a great American pastime. What fun traditions have you created with your parties?
As a participant in the Walmart Moms Program, I've received compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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