In celebration of Earth Day 2013, members of the Homestead Bloggers Network have partnered with BuyGreen.com to make going green even easier! With a generous gift card for $250, BuyGreen.com makes going (or staying) green even easier! So what can I find at BuyGreen.com? Maybe the question should be, "what can't I find at BuyGreen.com?" From clothing to composting, they've got you covered! BuyGreen.com believes that the power to make a change rests with consumers. Take a stand and demand healthier, greener products as a BuyGreen.com customer and let's make a change together. a Rafflecopter giveaway Additional prizes are offered by participating blogs:
- Unpaper Towels from Montana Solar Creations
- Gardening Books from Chris McLaughlin
- Two Magazine Subscriptions from Lille Punkin
Participating Blogs
- Heather Harris - The Homesteading Hippy
- Mary Hitchings - Raising Dick & Jane
- Dani Meyer - The Adventure Bite
- Chris Dalziel - Joybillee Farm
- Annie Bernauer - Montana Solar Creations
- Jen Fowler - Frugal Upstate
- Teri Gelseth - Sustainability is a Journey
- Chris McLaughlin - A Suburban Farmer
- Kristi Stone - Let This Mind Be In You
- Linsey Knerl - Lille Punkin'
- Krystyna Thomas - Spring Mountain Living
- Shanyn Cascia - Fresh From Home
- Wendy Hammond - The Local Cook
- Angela England - Untrained Housewife
- Amanda Jones - Adventures of Mommyhood
- Colleen Anderson - Little Homesteaders
- Gretchen Carlson - The Backyard Farming Connection
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